… and he calls some random people after he mows down the cyclists, but not 911? How is he only facing misdemeanor charges?!?

  • OsrsNeedsF2P@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    Regarding the charges,

    “[The evidence] just wasn’t there. It’s heartbreaking and it’s unsatisfactory but it is where we are at right now,” she said to ABC15 in November after she told victims she wouldn’t file felony charges. “It’s a collision where we cannot show with the evidence that there was a conscious disregard of a risk that this individual made.”

    Why is it that someone can run into over a dozen cyclists, killing some, but also not have made a “conscious disregard of risk”? If it’s true that the driver was not consciously disregarding risk, but we still got this outcome, it’s absolutely true that the process for obtaining a permit for his vehicle and/or speeds is way too lenient.

  • Showroom7561@lemmy.ca
    3 months ago

    This makes me physically ill.

    Cars are the only weapon in the world where you could injure or kill a few dozen people “by accident” and be let off without being held responsible. And it happens all the time.

    Even when someone is charged with anything, it never accounts for a loss of human life. It’s always some BS traffic violation that might as well be a parking violation.