I didn’t used to understand foreign involvement in wars, like the whole America-Vietnam shenanigans. But I can see why after watching this Israeli Palestine Conflict since birth.

But now it’s like watching two children fighting over who’s sandcastles can be built in the sandbox. And what do we do if children can’t learn to share? You take away everything and no one is happy.

So is that what this is going to come to? Do adults need to intervene to quell the infants?

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    About 70 years ago European leaders decided the best thing to do with the Jewish people was give them their own country…

    So they picked the holy land of three main religions, kicked out everyone that had been living there for centuries and made it a religious ethnostate.

    Surprisingly the people who lived there weren’t happy to be victims of an ethnic cleansing.

    Picking virtually any other place on the globe and it probably would have worked itself out by now.

    Cynics think that was intentionally. It’s the perfect lightning rod for attacks against “the west” and the hostility leads to plenty of proxy wars while avoiding actual war in Europe again after WW2