Biden’s latest attempt to convince everyone he has what it takes to stay in the race will air at 6:30 PM Eastern / 3:30 PM Pacific.
More on where and how to watch here:
My expectation is that it will be on all the usual sources. CNN, MSNBC, etc. etc. with in depth coverage on the talking head shows later tonight.
Edit Conference is running 20+ 50+ minutes late after already being pushed back 1 hour from 5:30 to 6:30.
Not sure if that’s good news or bad news.
Here we go! 58 minutes late, but he’s on a roll talking about NATO.
Oh, snap! Reminding everyone that Article 5 has only been used once… 9/11.
Speech ran less than 10 minutes, but was a strong speech, now the questions.
Fumbles on the first answer, calling out “Vice President Trump”. :(
Ended after almost an hour with one final question on “Vice President Trump” - Biden’s answer “Listen to him.” End conference.
Overall, I’m pretty happy with how it went!
Its a much better performance. Can it move the needle though?
Its not us, the wonk’s of the wonk’s who need to be moved. Its Average Voter who needs to be moved. Biden needs big W’s to get back in this, not slightly smaller L’s. Also, he called Zelnzkiy Putin, and Kamela Harris with Trump, thats whats trending at the moment. Gonna be much harder to get “industrial policy regarding defensive capabilities” trending.
Is this enough?
The question right now is on his Gaza performance, so here’s hoping…
“My numbers are better in Israel than they are here”
Thats the soundbyte we’ll get.
I’ve learned that whenever there’s an inflection point in Israel, the outcome is “whatever helps Bibi.”
So… I wouldn’t bet on that, as the consensus seems to be that a prolonged war helps him stay in power. I don’t know how, but somehow the ceasefire will not work out.