• LesserAbe@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    You’re right, we shouldn’t regulate this type of speech. I’m not proposing we outlaw calling someone “a Karen.” I’m arguing that people who care about how others feel should reconsider this type of joke.

    You mentioned that this sort of thing is only a problem if you’re surrounded by morons. Let’s be generous and call them people who don’t see things your way. Isn’t that all of life? I gave the example of a child named Alexa because it’s a literal real life example. It is a thing that happens, not a hypothetical. I have a kind and quiet family member named Karen, and it’s a nuisance in her life.

    You mentioned egocentrism. Isn’t it egocentric to think “I will say whatever I want and if that makes someone else feel bad who cares?” I try to live my life in a way where I’m not knowingly causing other people discomfort. Sometimes that’s not possible for good reason. We can still try.