They’re no longer communist and they’re getting a lot of money from Putin so they don’t give a shit. Similar deal with China. They may be communist on paper but they still play ball with them by giving the corporations a place to build shit with cheap labor and materials. They also have a huge consumer base so you better believe these stupid McCarthyists are fondling Xi Jinping’s balls for acess to their markets.
I love how they’re going on about this crap, while giving BJs to the russians.
The red scare you dipshits was about russia…
They’re no longer communist and they’re getting a lot of money from Putin so they don’t give a shit. Similar deal with China. They may be communist on paper but they still play ball with them by giving the corporations a place to build shit with cheap labor and materials. They also have a huge consumer base so you better believe these stupid McCarthyists are fondling Xi Jinping’s balls for acess to their markets.