The Smithsonian, and other museums, destroying indigenous artifacts is not the problem. Quite the opposite.
I’ll solve this mystery. All I need is Nicholas Cage, a boa constrictor, and 300 million dollars.
It always comes back to racism. The last bastion of fools so depressingly mediocre that their only possible ‘claim’ to greatness rests not on their accomplishments, but on skin color.
They’re destroying all the artifacts, but also preserving them in archives! No this isn’t a contradiction!
Literally watching a Milo Rossi video as I happened upon this post
I love Milo. What a treasure!
Can’t we verify this with old J Peterman catalogs?
While this is insane, museum archives are definitely a thing?
That was the joke, yes.
This reminds of when boss Tweed destroyed the first dinosaur exhibits in NY.