• Someonelol@lemmy.mlOP
    1 year ago

    I love public rail and took it all over the place when I visited Japan, I even still have the JR Pass ticket in my wallet. If I had one public transportation wish for LA it’s that every freeway have a light rail line like in the 105. As for the homeless situation I am all in for fully funded housing first initiatives and think we haven’t done anywhere near enough for them. That said, the unfortunate state of events between the LA Metro and the city’s homeless allows for some very problematic things to happen in light rail train cars especially during transit. I’ve seen quite a bit of drug use, littering, and even an instance when I had a taser brandished at my face only to find out a second later the guy was trying to sell it to me. I really wish people wouldn’t react so quickly to a post and start accusing them of being some kind of monster.

    • AOCapitulator [they/them]@hexbear.net
      1 year ago

      Oh it’s YOU!


      Holy shit lmao, you’re still on this?

      It’s like driving past someone waving around an end of days convert or die sign, and then hours later passing by the same spot and they’re still there

      Go eat some grass nerd

    • Nakoichi [they/them]@hexbear.net
      1 year ago

      “they certainly don’t hate them enough to chase them away when they are smoking meth on the train” sounds kinda like you think that should be done and that the issue is people not hating the unhoused enough.

      Especially when you come into a space that explicitly advocates for abolishing landlords and start saying that stuff, you should expect ridicule. Instead of complaining about it in other spaces for 5 days and repeatedly doubling down you could just do some very basic self-crit.