• givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I can’t support any politician that takes AIPAC money/trips


    For Democrats to be going on this trip funded and led around by an organisation that is fundamentally opposed to the policies of their president and their party – and which attacks the colleagues of the people on the trip very, very directly – is absurd. You’re seeing more and more Democrats saying, ‘You shouldn’t be doing that,’” he said.

    Justice Democrats, which helped fund election campaigns for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other members of the “Squad” critical of Israeli policies, asked why the party was working with Aipac when it endorsed the re-election campaigns of more than 100 Republican members of Congress who tried to block Joe Biden’s presidential victory.

    “It is a failure of Democratic leadership to continue working in any capacity with Aipac,” said Justice Democrats spokesperson Usamah Andrabi.

    “Every Democratic member who went on this trip is endorsing Aipac’s rightwing primary challenges to their colleagues, the over 100 Republicans who voted to overturn the election, and the Israeli government’s brutal apartheid regime.”

    It’s bad when Republicans do it, it’s still bad when Dems do it.

    It’s not a high bar for standards.

      • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Taking bribes from a foreign government is disqualifying to me.

        The only reason that AIPAC doesn’t have to register as a foreign agent, is the people who decide that take AIPAC money.

        Like, is your problem with trump taking Russian money that Biden didn’t get any?

        A foreign country has bought both political parties and there are real world consequences happening right now.

        But it’s a “purity test” to talk about it?

          • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
            6 months ago

            My problem is no one is clean

            Because AIPAC donates heavily in primaries of both parties to ensure that when the general happens they can’t lose.

            But some progressives manage to beat them.

            It’s not impossible, but it’ll never be enough if people keep ignoring reality.

            If a politician takes AIPAC money, voters should know what that means. That they’re saying they’re ok with foreign governments buying US politicians as long as it’s for their “team”.

            I can’t do that anymore, it’s not working out for us.

            • gravitas_deficiency@sh.itjust.works
              6 months ago

              The fact that you’re way, way too focused on AIPAC instead of using it as a jumping-off point to hilight the insanity of the concept of PACs is fairly telling, to be honest.

                  • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
                    6 months ago

                    Those are “foreign connected” and includes companies like Annehiser Bush…

                    Maybe you just don’t know about AIPAC if you think that’s the same thing


                    It literally only exists because what it replaced had to register as a foreign agent…

                    Ran by many of the same people…

                    And has literally committed espionage against our country…

                    Espionage related FBI investigations in 1984 and 2005 reveal AIPAC’s ongoing stealth foreign agency activities. Declassified FBI files released on the Internet last week reveal that in 1984 AIPAC and the Israeli Ministry of Economics were investigated for jointly obtaining and circulating classified US economic data to obtain favorable trade benefits for Israel. http://www.irmep.org/ila/economy In 2005 Pentagon Colonel Lawrence Franklin pled guilty and two AIPAC employees were indicted for obtaining and circulating classified US national defense information to Israeli government officials allegedly in the interest of fomenting US action against Iran.

                    It’s not the fucking same as a beer company that’s based in another country, it’s an unofficial arm of the Israeli government