Why has he not Defected to the Law and Order Party so he can Keep his job and get Millions in Donations from Very Smart Republicans?
Why has he not Defected to the Law and Order Party so he can Keep his job and get Millions in Donations from Very Smart Republicans?
I like how an ANTI UNION Company Sponsored an Event where a “Union Leader” made a Big Speech at!
Biden LITERALLY CAN DO ANYTHING HE WANTS as long as it’s a Presidential Act! I’m GLAD the Democratic Nominee is SUCH a Fearless Leader!
I remember after this all the Celebrities and Politicians talking AGAINST Donald Trump’s VIOLENT RHETORIC!
JK I don’t!
This is ABSURD! Why didn’t he just call this FAKE NEWS and a WITCH HUNT? Why not just say he’s actually a REPUBLICAN? THEN he would have been found INNOCENT and gotten MILLIONS in DONATIONS from People Who Do Their Own Research!
An Ivy League Man who become Very Wealthy thanks to Hollywood and Entertainment is EXACTLY the type of Working Class individual who will help DRAIN THE SWAMP! KEEP HOLLYWOOD OUT OF DC!
But she’ll still Vote for Him because she’s NOT in a Cult!
That’s because Trump supports the Working Class JUST like Elon Musk does!
Trump Appointed Judge Aileen Cannon just made it LEGAL to share TOP SECRET SCIF DOCUMENTS with LITERALLY anybody in the World including our Enemies! But it’s JUDGE MERCHAN’S DAUGHTER we need to worry about!
Republicans: Garland is Shielding BIDEN!
Agreed! It’d be MUCH BETTER if we used that 80B to PAY for those Millionaire’s and Billionaire’s Yachts INSTEAD of collecting over a BILLION in less then a Year!
At least he tried his Best!
Yes Biden’s Cult! The ones who support Biden to the Grave despite Biden selling our State Secrets to Enemies and having 34 Felonies and Raping Children with Jeffrey Epstein. Yes Biden’s Cult!
It’s a Good Thing Republicans are KNOWN to do their own Research and will find out that it’s their REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP delaying their Aid and causing their Sons and Daughters to Die! And when they find out they’ll care ENOUGH about their Families to put Politics aside and VOTE OUT the people Lying to them while they Die!
See? DEMOCRATS are Indoctrinating our Kids!
But if you give them control of the House Senate and Presidency they TOTALLY WILL!
This is HORRIBLE! RICH people are the ONLY ones who currently Pay Taxes and Hire People! Without them there would be LITERALLY NO BUSINESSES OR TAXES!
That’s a GOOD idea because Robert’s Supreme Court OBVIOUSLY cares about what the Constitution says!
NOT investigating Criminals is called LAW AND ORDER!