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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • $500M is their total investment, not the amount in Israeli bonds. In a proper portfolio bonds should likely be less than 30% of the total, sometimes even as low as 10%. Most of those bonds are going to be US Treasuries and corporate bonds. Of the maximum $60 million they keep in bonds, I’d be surprised if they had even $20 million in total foreign government bonds, and much of those are going to be in large and mostly stable government bonds like the Eurozone, China, Japan, UK, etc.

    Like I said it’s probably tens of thousands total, even if we were generous and said it was $100,000 in Israeli bonds it would only be $0.10 per person. It likely closer to pennies though. I wouldn’t even be surprised if it’s $0, and this policy vote is just a PR piece rather than an actual change in holdings.

  • Your upbringing has conditioned you to feel uncomfortable in those situations, but you can untrain that response. If you think about it for a moment, what benefit is there to you having that response in such a situation? The answer is there is no benefit to you. Your sister doesn’t need protecting from kisses from her boyfriend. Just untrain that mental response to PDA, and be a happier person because of it.

    You can even take this to the extreme when you think about it. If you saw someone swimming at the beach naked, would it actually harm you in any way? It really doesn’t. You don’t need to pay attention, and you don’t need to think about it. It doesn’t interfere with your ability to get a suntan, it doesn’t interfere with your ability to build a sandcastle, it doesn’t interfere with you swimming, so enjoy yourself and just ignore what other people choose to do unless it actually harms you somehow.

    When they kiss or make a sexual joke, just think to yourself “whatever, they’re both consenting adults” and move on with your day. Eventually it won’t even matter to you.

    This is part of what maturity is, learning how to handle situations (often by just ignoring them) that either don’t affect you at all, or even get over things that impact you but that matter less than what the consequence to reacting to it. If you ever meet a Karen, they failed to learn this lesson.

  • The US could stop what’s happening in multiple of those countries. Does non-action not count towards death tolls? If you have the ability to pull a level that lets 20 people live, is it not your fault if you choose not to pull that lever and they die?

    Also, what level of support matters? What if instead of sending munitions they only sent money, would that be a problem? What if instead of money they only sent food, which frees up their own money to buy munitions? The fun thing about the global economy is that almost anything is fungible at scale. Hell, if you look behind the curtains there are US goods and services being used in Russia to attack Ukraine right now, it’s just flowing through third parties first to obscure the transactions. The government may not be sending it directly, but America is benefiting from it.

    The US though has provided both direct and non-direct support causing genocides in multiple places even in the last 20 years. George W Bush got re-elected while the Iraq war was happening, and that killed a couple hundred thousand civilians, which is what… 6 times the current Gazan death toll? Not to mention Afghanistan which was it’s own problem on top of that.

    Yes, Palestine vs Israel is a war. It’s not automatically a genocide just because one side is absolutely wiping the floor with the other. It’s been a war since literally the day after Israel was founded, FIVE arab countries invaded Israel the moment the British Protectorate ended because they didn’t like the UN agreed upon borders. People seem to ignore this fact for some reason because it’s inconvenient to their “truth”.

    You’re smart, so I’m hoping you’re smart enough to follow the money. The US and the west are funding Israel. Why? I’ll give you a hint, it has nothing to do with Palestinians, and everything to do with who is funding the Palestinians.

    The truth behind of all of this is that both the Israelis and the Palestinians are mostly just being used by others in a proxy war, Hamas is fully funded and armed from outside of Gaza by foreign groups, they have effectively no local income or production related to the fighting other than supplying the people to die.

    So why would the US and allies care? Because if Iran and group take out Israel (as is their stated goal) the US ability to control Iran will be diminished and Iran can then become a bigger threat to the western world.

    And that’s how Geopolitics work.