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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • No he and you are just describing a liberal.

    Well…yes. Of course we are.

    There are not and never have been your mythical “actual conservatives”.

    At one time the Republicans were liberals and even advertised themselves as such. If you crack a history book you can see that what’s happening with MAGA right now isn’t the first time that the RP has been through this.

    Aside from goings on in the 1870s we can look to the 1950s and the Eisenhower Republicans. You should look those up.

    Conservatives have always been about enforcing social hierarchies.

    Nah, my lived experience says differently. Dad was a Republican and he never made any racial or social distinctions on anyone. Neither did my mother. The only people my family had a problem with were Russians…and with damn good reason. So that means he was a Republican without being a Conservative. A liberal Republican if you will…and at one time the US was full of them.

    Your claims are so overly broad that they’ve slipped into revisionism.

  • You are describing an actual Conservative, basically someone who acts like a brake. They can slow down or even temporarily stop progress to buy time while things are thought through. For all practical purposes these people no longer exist in the Republican Party. They’ve been replaced by MAGA.

    However MAGA aren’t “Conservatives” because they don’t function as brakes. To stick with the vehicle theme MAGA is trying to shift the vehicle into reverse. They aren’t just trying to stop progress they are actively trying to go backwards!. IMO these people should be called “Regressives” because that word most accurately describes their political goals. They want to unwind progress and regress to a previous time and state of existence.

  • Unfortunately and sadly doesn’t surprise me anymore.

    It shouldn’t surprise you at all. Any notion of “Free Speech” on Internet Platforms was shot in the head during the Trump Presidency and then the corpse was burned at the stake during the Pandemic. There were vast quantities of myopic morons making the arguments “These are private companies, they can do what they want!” along with “You have no right to speech on someone else’s platform!” simply because they approved of what was being done.

    Now the arguments being used by 2017-2022 MAGAtards are being shouted by 2023-2024 Liberals / Progressives.

    It’s pretty obvious that social media as a whole is just a corrupt mess.

    It’s pretty obvious that people are perfectly happy with restrictions on the other person but never themselves.

    People forget that the restrictions they hammer the other person with today are going to be used against them tomorrow. Plan accordingly.

  • and don’t understand why we’re plowing ahead with two candidates no one really wants as president.

    That’s easy to understand; it’s because the two primary political parties run the show from bottom to top and they both managed to make serious political miscalculations at the same time.

    Democrats screwed up by repressing all their younger members for the past 15-20 years in favor of their established power brokers; now their cupboard is bare right when they need it most. The Republicans miscalculated by assembling behind Trump in the first place and then they did it again by re-assembling behind Trump.

    If this country’s politics weren’t being totally controlled by Ds and Rs now is when a 3rd Party Candidate (Libertarian, Green, etc) could gain some serious traction.

  • They’re not giving him immunity for everything he did as president, they just aren’t interested in being the authority that decides what is or isn’t an “official act”. They are letting lower courts decide that.

    That’s pretty much what they did but that’s not how it’s being presented by the media so you’ve got 30,000,000 people all riled up and ready to riot. I would have preferred if SCOTUS found a way to definitively settle this without the Remands but I understand why they did it.

    The lower court will take about an hour to decide that this stuff was “unofficial” and write the legal narrative supporting that. Hell I’d be shocked if it wasn’t already done. This isn’t even close to over.

  • I’m somewhat surprised that there’s no purchasable solution to this problem as all of the technology to make a short range drone interdiction system already exist. To detect one all that’s necessary is an appropriate camera setup and a system hooked to it capable of recognizing them, both of which are already prevalent in the market. Add an inexpensive laser range finder so the system can know if the drone is truly over your property and at an altitude acceptable for interception.

    Once that’s done it becomes a matter of how to interdict the drone. One relatively safe option would be for the system to deploy a high speed short range interdiction drone to overfly the other drone and drop something on top of it meant to snarl its rotors, for instance fishing line with weights.

    None of that is necessarily easy but its certainly doable.