A lot of it is Palestine, many people are very upset about that. It’s a legitimate opinion a person can hold.
A lot of it is Palestine, many people are very upset about that. It’s a legitimate opinion a person can hold.
Crowd size is not a sound method for predicting voting results.
This was never in doubt, it was said from the beginning. The fear is that someone who refers to themselves as a socialist cannot win in the rust belt swing states. Pro-labor positions in general don’t do well in the midwest, it’s a central area in the fight to dismantle unions.
Not that Hilary won them either though.
Not sure he’s big/strong enough, those rock formations are absolutely huge. These things would have to basically be Yggdrasil.
There’s another purpose too, the furtherance of religious education. There’s two fronts to attack there: can try to push religion into public schools, but can also push funding from public schools to private schools, which are already allowed to be religious.
General reminder that online radicalization efforts are targeted at the extremes of both ends of the political spectrum, not just one. Destabilization and violence is the goal, not the slow, hard work of reform.
I wonder if that’s an LLM.
A Yale graduate like Vance complaining about elites gets a smirk out of me, I must admit. What is the next step of elitism over an Ivy League diploma and a Senate seat, being Jewish?
Couple reasons. First, that’s just false. The US cannot prevent an ICJ ruling, and it would definitely impact Netanyahu’s govt on multiple levels with a great many countries including his own. Second, US support is not actually unconditional, as we saw when the bomb shipments got paused. US support is still partial, and could become either stronger or weaker.
Good. Doubling down with a MAGA-MAGA ticket brings minimal value. Pretty sure he already had all the MAGAs anyway. Probably thinks he’s sure to win now and doesn’t need a boost anymore, but that remains to be seen.
Was actually a little worried about a Rubio pick. Similar to picking Pence last time, would’ve been throwing the non-MAGAs a small bone.
Almost feels like this is the first good news in weeks. Been a rough period.
No, not everyone sees all the news every day. If it gets spammed report it, but this seems fine. Not sure why it would bother you otherwise, unless it is getting spammed. Then that would get annoying for sure. I’ve only seen it twice now though, that’s not bad.
That does not make the decision not-good. Also freshly pertinent in light of recent events, so I understand the reposting.
Good. This is something that has broad bipartisan support across the whole electorate.
No, I’m not talking about irrelevant nonsense, I’m talking about war as it pertains to a war. Note, I have said several times that what is happening is very immoral. This is not deflection.
Additionally, international law certainly applies, the ICJ has jurisdiction to try war criminals regardless of where they are.
Everything is easy to say online.
Can fall apart on two different fronts. One, they could simply be young enough to lack relevant life experience. More often I think, they could be from a different culture and simply be unaware of what is normal for an American.
A third, related possibility, is they could be using the Russian propaganda style of the bullshit firehose, where they’re just trying to throw so much bullshit into the information environment that it starts to seem like nothing really matters and people should just stop trusting everything and disengage to focus on their own lives instead of bigger events.
War is immoral, everything about it. No exceptions. Humanity does not function based on universal morality though, it functions on law.
So, since Netanyahu has stated that his main objective is the complete destruction of hamas, and he will not allow a cease fire until his objective is met, and hamas is an international organization with leaders in Turkey and UAE and based around an idea that cannot really be destroyed…
Basically he wants to be able to continue to fight forever? Yea, that fits.
Ah. That should probably be in the headline then, instead of just “spending” and “funding”.
Regardless, the figures are still inaccurate.
The $1.6 trillion in discretionary spending for FY24 is split between $842 billion for defense programs and $758 billion for nondefense activities, reflecting respective 3% and 7% boosts from FY23 enacted levels.
That I agree with. Any certainty he would have won in red states is misplaced though, elections are not that predictable. He might have. He might not have. He certainly wouldn’t have gained support from anti-communist types though, and that line of attack would have been employed heavily by the repubs. They do it anyway even with neolib dems.