He can’t pass up this wonderful opportunity to grift even more money from his dumbass followers.
Dude is the perfect conman. Always grifting morons.
He can’t pass up this wonderful opportunity to grift even more money from his dumbass followers.
Dude is the perfect conman. Always grifting morons.
Lmao these idiots using “blue maga” are pretty sad.
I’ve not seen a single person defend Biden the way brainwashed republican idiots defend trump. But it’s nice to know they also think maga is idiotic and try to attach blue to it to make it seem like both sides are the same.
Considering their choice for president, they don’t give a shit about pedophiles or children being raped. They support a child rapist. They don’t get to accuse others of pedophilia for no reason at all when they support a person who literally raped children.
Did they mention how many kids and women trump has raped? How about how many abortions he forced women to get? Did they mention his stealing from cancer charities at all?
Do republicans even know what kind of person they are supporting?
Just kidding we all know they know about him being a child rapist, they just don’t care as long as they can get power and money.
“We stopped a murder with murder! Mission accomplished.” -Cops
“We’re a group of private citizens advocating for better government.”
If anyone looks at project 2025 and thinks that is somehow “better government”, they should be locked up in an insane asylum. I mean how fucking dumb can you get? It’s worse government. Far far faaaar fucking worse.
Why do these dumb as shit senators keep getting elected?
When you keep watching evil people doing evil things and being happy about it, it gets really tiring.
I’d expect nothing less from an evil conman.
There is no reason you should be against this at all unless you’re evil.
Sadly that’s true for a lot of things republicans are against. Fucking evil bastards.
Yeah, still back by the heritage foundation which we all know now is an evil foundation looking to destroy America. They may not know that but their plans most certainly lead to the destruction of America. Also backed by some of the worst republican politicians you can find.
Just because they don’t mention CRT and banning books doesn’t make them any different than what they were before, an extremist hate group under the guise and liberty and freedom.
Republicans really love putting liberty and freedom as the slogan for their hate groups.
Seeing a row of women who look like his ex wives cheering. Like fucking really? Do you want him to rape and beat you as well like he did his first wife? You wanna be with him while he rapes children? What in the ever living fuck is wrong with those people?
Wealth inequality destroying the country? Why not even more of it!?
Why do these people need so much fucking money?
Well musk is a fucking moron so who cares? Also he isn’t moving to Texas because of that. It’s because he wants more money just like the rest of the greedy billionaire assholes.
Well good luck in that shit hole of a state you racist piece of shit.
Well religious people aren’t really known for their critical thinking.
It’d be great if you couldn’t vote if you were religious. Seeing as how separation of church and state don’t mean anything any longer, just have them not able to vote at all!
Fascist got shot at. Quick, let’s make a makeshift army of untrained brainwashed idiots to support the fascist! That’ll make things better.
Yeah why is this corruption punished yet corruption of supreme court judges is A-fucking-okay and a man literally made of corruption is running for president?
It sure does seem like republicans are just immune from being punished for their corruption.
Could’ve been a hero.
Now is just a dead nobody.
A conservative that hasn’t been brainwashed. You don’t see that very often these days.
Yeah he’s always been a god damned braindead moron. He never finished grade school because his father paid for him to pass. If he wasn’t born into wealth, that his father got from also being a piece of shit just like his shitty son, he’d be homeless or working as a Walmart greeter because he is too dumb to do anything else.