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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Let me preface all this by stating that no one should hold elected office after 65. They are still welcome to advise Etc. Politics should be people looking forward to the rest of their life Not Looking Back.

    With that said. Why are you suddenly concerned about Biden? An Administration is more than a single man. And I think it’s safe to say that despite what a low bar it is. The Biden Administration has been one of the most positively consequential Administration in the last 40 years. Sean Hannity has spent nearly the last 6 months screeching about jacked up Joe because of how on his performance was at the State of the Union Address. Not going to lie Biden’s performing slightly has left a lot to be desired period I still have faith in the administration period And if things are Really that bad The person they’re wanting to run instead of him is already his VP and would just step in if the need arrose. So I really don’t see what a lot of the panic is about. At least not in terms of vitamins specifically. In terms of the rot of the democratic republic? Absolutely. But not the Biden Administration specifically. A lot of the fear and concern is 100% astro turf.

    We need better than all the choices we currently have. That said I have no concerns or fears that a second biden administration would do any worse than they already have.

  • Spoken like someone high on propaganda. Polling is all over the place. Unreliable. There is no one to run who will run who stands much chance against trump. Because people aren’t voting for Trump because he’s better. They’re voting for him because he’s the Republican nominee. Republicans are also experts at smearing. They and their donors control all the media. No matter who Democrats pick they will run a 24/7 campaign smearing and mudding Waters around that candidate. Even if Democrats were to pick Bernie sanders. Republicans would smear him easily.

    Realistically we’re well beyond the point of playing these games. Both in this cycle and in general. If people can’t be bothered. They will learn just how bad fascism can be for them. And how important their votes are when they can’t vote anymore.

  • That you? (yes it’s you.)

    I never said otherwise. And I’ll say it again there’s very little he can do realistically Beyond delay. That you think that this is some big gotcha moment. Some big turnaround in the debate is pretty absurd. Hilarious even.

    It’s convenient for you that you went on about vetos and not enforcing actual laws. Which is entirely Biden’s obligation. You know. The one that makes it illegal to sell or transfer US made weapons to, you know, people actively engaged in warcrimes…?

    No. What’s hilarious is how agitated you’re acting. You and I might classify it as a war crime and genocide. That’s right we agree. I just have a better grasp of what can and is being done and will be done.

    The problem is, the groups and bodies in our government that are supposed to make that proclamation/decision aren’t. And I would say they’re wrong in not doing that. And until they do do that. He would first need to petition them to actually classify and treat it as such. Before he would have any right under law to do any of that. Which I would argue that he should do.

    I’m not saying that it’s right or just. I’m simply saying that there are requirements under law for these things aren’t met. And you and I both having a conniption fit over the fact that it obviously is unfortunately doesn’t change anything.

    None of these laws and Powers are really available to him until that point. It’s b*******. But then so as much of politics. Believe me if things were as easy as armchair quarterbacks think it is. The world would be a Utopia. A perfect place. Not everything is unfortunately as simple as it should be or As It Seems.

  • It takes 2/3’s and do you really think the DNC would after their own-party president just said “no”?

    If they were doing all this for Biden’s sake, no. Problem is. They aren’t doing this on Biden’s behalf. It’s a nearly century long project in the middle east. That far predates JRB’s entry into politics. There are those with personal, financial, religious, and military reasons who when faced with a choice, would throw him under the bus for their own reasons.

    In addition to being POTUS, which is far from powerless, he’s also one of the single most (if not the single most) influential democrats in the DNC.

    He’s got plenty of powers. I never said he didn’t. Unilaterally ending aid to Israel isn’t one of those.

    If he can’t get the dems in congress to respect his veto he has no business being president. Period

    Couldn’t have put it more immaturely if I tried. I’m not a fan of politics. But I at least have an understanding of how things work. Everything is easy when you’re an armchair quarterback. Why oh why did we let these people struggle to keep diverse coalitions together for decades. When we could have just put you in and be done.

  • It’s because they’re accelerationist at worst. Or lefty equivalents of MAGA-ts at best. They’re not offering any solutions. They’re not offering any pertinent or useful discussion. They push out divisive specifically anti Biden bullshit exponentially more than any other political content. And you can verify it. Go look at the post histories of any of them.

    As an example I looked earlier just out of curiosity. Ozma had actually managed to post a neutral to someone positive article about ocasio-cortez earlier. (It’s a rare occurrence but it does happen sometimes for them.) And about five or six Biden needs to step down posts. And they aren’t unique. There’s a short list of names around here which one can look at and see identical Behavior.

    You aren’t going to gain much by engaging with them. Best faith portrayal of them really is that they are just ignorant heavily propagandized single issue voters. Much like Republican Second Amendment voters. Who believe so ardently so deeply that Democrats are coming from their guns that they will religiously vote in the Republicans who actually have come for their guns. They are so propalestine and so aghast at what Biden did. You have to ask yourself whether that was when he expedited or when he delayed the shipment of arms. But one or the other they’re so aghast and concerned about it. That they will do anything to keep him from getting reelected even if it means more Palestinians will die in the end. It’s not logical strategic or intelligent.

  • It’s a contemplation on Power and its abuse. Not just in the Imperial west. But also among the Marxist leninist Institutions. That even those who claim to be self-righteous defending the Revolution by any means necessary eventually just become monsters committing atrocities themselves. All in the service of those who’ve been given power.

    Tldr power corrupts. And people need to learn that lesson.