Languages: Français, English
Pronouns: They/them
Because a lot of Canadians are racist, also people have somehow been convinced that the housing crisis and the lousy job market are the fault of foreign students and immigrants rather than the fault of landlords and other disgustingly rich people.
There’s just under 3 million francophones in Canada outside Québec, and only around 47% of people in Québec are French-English bilingual (which is still the highest rate of any province, to be fair).
There are francophone communities all across the country, from BC to PEI, from Yukon to southern Ontario. There’s also a substantial percentage of people in Québec who are unilingual francophones.
Once, I was in a sandwich shop in the Netherlands, ordering in English (as I don’t speak Dutch). The fellow behind the counter had excellent English. When he heard my friend and I speak to each other in French, he switched to French, and it was nearly as good as his English.
That’s a guy working in a sandwich shop, speaking at least three languages rather fluently. Heck, he probably speaks a bit of German too, seeing as we were close to the border with Germany. It blew my mind as a Canadian who’s used to people being stubbornly unilingual.
Speaking more than one language is so cool. It’s good for your brain, it helps one understand the structure of language better, it opens up doors to new cultures and ideas. I truly don’t understand why so many anglophones (and, if I’m being honest, a good number of francophones in Québec) are so opposed to the idea of bilingualism.
Une fois, j’étais dans une shop à sandwich aux Pays-Bas, passant ma commande en anglais (étant donné que je ne parle pas le néerlandais). Le gars derrière le comptoir parlait très bien l’anglais. Quand il a entendu mon amie et moi parler français ensemble, il a changé à un français presque aussi bon que son anglais.
C’est un gars qui fait des sandwich, qui parle couramment un minimum de trois langues. Crisse, il parle probablement aussi un peu l’allemand vu qu’on était proche de la frontière avec l’Allemagne. Ça m’a ébloui en tant que canadien•ne habitué•e aux gens qui s’entêtent à ne parler qu’une langue.
Parler plus qu’une langue, c’est tellement cool. C’est bon pour le cerveau, ça t’aide à mieux comprendre les structures de la langue, ça ouvre des portes à de nouvelles idées et cultures. Je ne comprend réellement pas pourquoi tant d’anglophones (et, pour être honnête, un bon nombre de francophones du Québec) sont si opposé•es à l’idée du bilinguisme.
Define “work”.
If by “work”, you mean contributing to the capitalistic growth of The Economy™, then no I wouldn’t want to work.
If by “work” you mean meaningfully contribute to my community and society as a whole, yes I’d still want to work. Not every day, but I was on unemployment benefits for almost a year, and it gets boring after a while not feeling like a useful member of your community.
Calling him a “cocksucker” is frankly insulting to people who perform the act of sucking cock. Musk is way too selfish to perform the generous and loving act that is fellatio.