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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • This gave Jack Smith the ability to take this and appeal it, which he previously could not do because she refused to publish actual orders ever since Smith appealed a previous bad decision by her and won.

    There is simply no way Smith loses this appeal, it will end up in the Supreme Court and that is where the final nail will fall for this case.

    Furthermore, she had a FUCK TON of things to make a decision on that were key to the case, thus when she is removed those decisions can still be made instead of the next judge inheriting her bullshit. There is still hope, which is pathetic that we need any but it is what it is.

  • Edit: still, im voting for him…

    That edit is the whole problem democrats don’t have any consequences for being shitty.

    yeah! Let’s just not vote at all and hand trump and the federalist society the election!

    If this election is so important than fucking do something popular Jesus Christ.

    Biden has done a FUCK TON of stuff for the average american, especially in the face of the do-nothing MAGA congress. You’re mad because Biden isn’t immediately whipping his dick out to fuck over the supreme court with the insane amount of power they just handed him? Grow the fuck up, jesus christ. The LAST thing we need are knee-jerk emotional reactions instead of calculated tactics.

  • He’s just not willing to do it because he is a liberal and doesn’t want to use his power to crush the Republicans like they need to be.

    This is ABSOLUTELY wrong and /u/exanime pointed that out to you already. Manchin and Sinema said they would have blocked it. It would not have succeeded because they sold their souls NOT because biden is tOo LiBeRaL. Jesus christ.

    The Biden admin has fought tooth and nail for things that are actually fucking possible and the average american has benefited. We all want to expand this illegitimate court but you simply CANNOT pin the blame on Biden’s chest.

    What about Obama?? Where was the packing of the court then? You know, that time in which he could have forced RBG out and chosen a pick but instead mitch pushed for the AmErIcAn PeOpLe to get the choice (and then did the exact opposite when it was trumps turn). Too much of a lib as well?