Drive fast, bash fash, and support the working class
If your non-voting strategy results in more Genocide its time to take a long hard look in the mirror.
Bruh, I’ve writen letters to him, been to multiple protests in D.C., and have called my Congressman multiple times (who already wants to stop the Genocide). You cant convince liberals to do a damn thing they dont want to do, but that won’t stop me from doing everything in my power to prevent a candidate that literally moved the Israeli embassy to Israel and would support their Genocide even harder than Biden already does. You will never convince democrats to do anything that weakens the USA’s Capitalist empire. Voting for the lesser of 2 evils still results in less evil in the world, and no systemic change will ever occur at the ballot box, the fact that some thinks that’s possible and should be held over other’s heads shows how out of touch they are with Material Conditions.
Scratch a Neoliberal and watch a fascist bleed, I’m under no illusions about who Biden is, but he is orders of magnitudes better than Trump.
I mean i like butt stuff, but i dont consider that a hobby.
Lmao are you really comparing salting food to setting off fireworks?
I paint, crochet, and listen to audiobooks. What about yourself?
You are aware that pollution could easily lead to a futute where humans are not able to exist on this planet right?
Bruh we dont have to blow up servers everytime we post and all the materials they are made of are valuable recyclable.
The military is the only form of upward mobility for large swaths of the population, they are chewed up and spit out by the machine, after being indoctrinated in nationalist propaganda from the time they were able to form memories. Veterans are members of the Prolitariat and should be educated about the system that abused them, not mocked and rediculed for being a victim of it. Yes America has committed mass atrocities, but almost every service member who signed up was completely unaware of that at the time of their enlistment.
100% Thats why there is thr Middle Way.
Yeah but none of them are anywhere near as ephemeral as a firework display.
People are starving every damn day under Capitalism and there is no famine going on. This isn’t the dunk you think it is.
Personally Star Trek is my favorite form of Communism.
Real socialism leads to communism. I want to call what I am advocating for as cultural marxism, but unfortunately that term has antisemitic connotations, while also perfectly encapsulating the gradual shift in the publics perception of Marxist ideology I am advocating for with memes such as this. I am not advocating for a violent revolution, but I wont deny the fact that when the powers that be make a peaceful revolution impossible, a violent revolution is inevitable.
Yeah that’s called late stage Communism, which we have never achieved as humanity. Late stage Capitalism is currently pushing more and more folks into dangerous housing situations like the bottom right quadrant of this meme. Capitalism and Utopia are oxymorons while Communism and Utopia are synonymous.
Instructions unclear. posts more beef stroganoff memes
For the record I would rather 45 lose and continue to drag the GOP down than have a quick death.