Well then, It sure woulda got easier if someone brought the right gun.
Well then, It sure woulda got easier if someone brought the right gun.
And Trump is a sociopath, you discriminating against his disability? Biden can’t carry a sentence because he’s old as fuck combined with a stutter. We all know Biden is the better option, but don’t be a gaslighting little bitch and pretend it isn’t real.
The norms being a problem is why trump exists.
It sure woulda got a lot easier if somebody knew how to shoot.
I may be dumb, but I actually trust those two, unlike every other politician, I feel like if they are making strange decisions they must know something we don’t…
I will say, as someone who lives in a state with closed primaries it is very common for someone to register for the opposite party to vote for whoever you think will lose. This particular election cycle it would make sense that dude may not exactly be so much pro Biden, but anti-Trump, so he registered as a republican to vote against him in the primaries.
I am anti-Trump as they come, but it doesn’t make sense that a republican would attempt to assassinate Trump. A lot of them may not like him, but they are a party of people that fall in line, not people that stand for what they believe is right. They are not selfless people that would give their life to protect the country from a facist. They are cowards that while they know it may not be right, at least he’s on “their side”. And let it play out.
The fuck metric are they using for the economy??? The billionaires wealth increase? The stock market? Because I can’t afford my rent or to feed my fucking family. Fuck off with your bullshit.
I don’t blame Biden for it, I blame the orange man. But the economy isn’t an exclamation point that should be used for the average person. The economy fucking sucks. EVERYONE HAS JOBS!!! … Yeah… they have 3 of them… start looking at the purchasing power of that money, not just the dollar amount.
There are a lot of people that don’t realize they are sexist, or racist. They are surrounded by people that all also don’t realize they are racist, or sexist but they will start finding all the flaws in them. They won’t say "I don’t trust a woman as president " but they will coincidently find other flaws in the person because they are involuntarily being more critical of them.
The point is, there are racist and sexists voting for Biden that wouldn’t vote for Kamala. They just don’t realize they are sexist.
I live in rural Arizona. I am essentially an expert on these types of people.
These fuckers were singing a different tone 4 years ago, that’s why we’re in this mess.
Stuck together now, then for the love of God split from these dinosaurs the second the election is over.
Who the hell would it be? The DNC isn’t going to convene next month and appoint an all new candidate that no one has even pretended to vote on. At least with Kamala they have that justified. She was on the winning ticket and she is the current vice. I hate Kamala and she has a lot of bad traits for running against Trump, mostly the fact that she’s a woman would be enough to reinvigorate the Republican party. I would much rather see an AOC or Warren for my personal tastes. I hate the current conservative democratic party. But no one out of left field would be realistic in this situation. It would splinter the party at a bad time. Everything is so fucked all we can hope for is a sentient human to run for office.
It is realistically Biden or Harris. And even more realistically it is Biden. No way this changes now. Everything else is just a pipe dream.
ABSOLUTELY Has my vote. But we have to wait a cycle or two for the old fucks to die off before she has a real chance.
I feel like “official acts” would be something like, say, if say a former president died while the US military was attempting to secure confidential documents being stored at a golf resort, the sitting president wouldn’t be charged with murder, however, if you were to say, incite a riot and Order an elected official to defy election results to push the election that you clearly lost in your direction, you would not be protected. Since you are working in your own interests, not the interests of the country.
I feel like it is actually not his duty to be the judge of his own election and without any evidence attempt to subvert the election. And maybe, for him to not be in trouble for the actions he took, he should present a shred of evidence to support his actions. Because either he is right and there is evidence, he is evil and is desperately trying to do everything the founding fathers tried to prevent, or he is mentally ill. I feel like it’s a combo of the last two and the country needs protection against that.
That seems like official business to me.
Kill Trump, kill scouts. Problem solved.
I agree, the main handle you use on the interior and exterior of the vehicle should be PHYSICALLY connected to the latch. Seems like a pretty simple rule to make and enforce and seems pretty common sense.
I have a 61 f100 with shaved doors that only opens electronically from the outside with a fob, but I didn’t build it to be a grocery getter with my wife and kids in it. I know the risks. And the hood opens without having to get into the cab so I can easily access the battery if it’s dead.
I can understand why. I’m guessing it’s for a couple reasons, maybe fluctuations in the voltage depending on driving conditions ( if you’re stomping on the throttle allowing everything to flow through the motors it may provide inconsistent voltage to the sensitive computers and electronics, I would imagine there is a step-down converter somewhere that charges that 12v battery, essentially that battery is used as a buffer. But the link between the big batt. and little batt. isn’t active unless the vehicle is on. And “On” requires the 12v system to turn on computers and close a relay.
Doors relying on ANY electronics is a bad idea. Even most cars with keyless entry have a hidden key somewhere to physically get in the vehicle if the battery dies. If the main battery in a tesla is toast you have bigger problems than a locked door. But anyone who has been driving for more than a few years has likely dealt with an OG battery decides to stop taking a charge. And you probably won’t get much of a warning in an EV that doesn’t have an engine that starts turning over slower and slower.
I am actually surprised. Seems some people would chime in to see what his ear looked like or what is going on.