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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Jack Smith is a special counsel. He was appointed by the Attorney General. That’s how those appointments work. Was Robert Hurr being appointed to investigate biden classified documents illegal? Was John Durham’s appointment for investigating the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation illegal? None of the special counsels in recent history have been appointed by the president or approved by the senate because that’s not what a special counsel is. It is a DoJ job appointed by the Attoryney general or, if the attorney general has recused himself, the assistant attorney general.

  • She has 0 experience winning elections. She has 0 experience passing progressive policy. She has 0 experience debating and communicating progressive ideals. She has 0 experience in politics in general. And she has 0 interest in being a politician.

    This is just like people wanting Oprah to run. She’s a popular black woman so obviously she should run? That’s stupid reasoning. Being a mom doesn’t give you any experience for running a fucking country. Same shit as thinking we should run the country like we run our households.

    Michelle will never run and she shouldn’t because she’s just a partner of past politician.

  • Fantastic article. Reminds me of a letter that Gandhi wrote to German jews, saying that if they simply were respectable to their oppressors, if they simply were always kind, that the Germans would naturally feel bad for them and stop being so antisemitic. It’s all bullshit. My family insists on respectability politics, and a lot of people in my area do too, although that’s not surprising since I live in a red state. Even have had people at pride say that we shouldn’t pay attention or counterprotest the bigots that yell slurs at us and call us pedophiles. I’ve done away with respectability politics in my own life but I hate having to have family lecture me on why me being disrespectful will simply make the Nazis stick around longer, that really all we need to do is ignore them and they’ll go away or stop being so Nazi. It didn’t work for Jews in the 20s and 30s in Germany, and it won’t work now. Again, great article, I’m gonna share it with my family even if they end up still disagreeing.