Some internet funeral aesthetics
Some internet funeral aesthetics
Lol, changing the country of origin doesn’t constitute innovation from a consumer standpoint…
Now if this was using 5nm or chiplit or any of the other buzzwords of the day it could be marketed as innovative in the modern sense of the word.
Realistically there is no innovation left for ARM platforms. They all use the same core schematics. They only control data flow and peripheral IP as a manufacturer, unless they feel like building their own core from the spec (nobody really does that anymore as ARM has been desperately trying to standardize everything). The most “innovation” I’ve seen has come from stubbornness around keeping legacy bus architecture around instead of adopting AXI (even when all the IP they are trying to use already uses AXI and they keep having to make translation hardware).
Fuck it. Gun it at the brick wall. Jerry’s rigging up an emergency break as we speak. Don’t mind that the last piece to said break may be missing.
- Man who will probably die before we hit the wall
I feel like there needs to be a comma somewhere in that sentence but I don’t know why…
I was working at a company at one point that got a contract to build something I viewed equivalent to malware. Immediately I brought it up to several higher-ups that this was not something I was willing to do. One of them brought up the argument “If we don’t do it someone else will.”
This mentality scares the shit out of me, but it explains a lot of horrible things in the industry.
Believing in that mentality is worse than the reality of the situation. At least if you say no there’s a chance it doesn’t happen or it gets passed to someone worse than you. If you say yes then not only are you complicit, you are actively enforcing that gloomy mentality for other engineers. Just say no.
Data centers will probably be the only practical application. Consumer electronics will probably barely produce enough energy to power the regulator and tie-in circuit just to feed back into the pwm driver for fans nowadays.