I definitely think the centrist middle is going to become more and more hollowed out as more people break from the middle into the progressive or conservative camps. That being said, while I don’t think any of the three groups represents a majority of Americans, I do think centrists still have a plurality, though I think they will soon be overtaken by one of the other groups. Unfortunately, I think more centrists are likely to break conservative than progressive. I think more Americans are likely to have a negative reaction to the possibility of radical change than a positive one. But perhaps that depends on the changes being proposed. One thing I am very confident of is if the proposed changes are socialist, even if only in name, I think a majority of Americans will have a negative reaction to them.
I’m not, necessarily. I think a person can be unhappy and discontented even if they aren’t of low socioeconomic status. I think you can be unhappy even if you are doing relatively ok economically. I think that because that’s my exact situation. I’m not poor or trapped in an abusive job, yet I am very dissatisfied with the status quo.