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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I’m not sure anybody would make that call at her age. And to be clear, because you’re trying to infer that she is older than she is by calling her “over 70”, she’s 7 days past her 70th birthday; I’m not sure anyone would regard that as over 70, just 70. So at what point in her mid 60s was she supposed to decide “uh oh, I’m going to die soon”, exactly?

    And there are so many uncertainties when a replacing a SCOTUS justice that come in to play, especially with one side who will do anything to install their totalitarian regime and the otherside is on their high horse getting their legs sliced to bits because they were too righteous to jump off for the battle - why kick that beehive before it’s ACTUALLY necessary?

  • She should resign, as one of the few level headed justices on SCOTUS? What kind of logic is that? You know she’s not a conservative justice, right? Like… I can’t think of any other reason you’d think this is a good idea, and during an election year no less. I see way less trolling on Lemmy than I did on reddit, but I’d like to believe this is trolling and not the actual opinion of a legitimate American voter.

    She should keep fighting the good fight while we hope for a couple of justices to die or be impeached soon so we can fix the balance of SCOTUS.