Goulash with Beans or Doom Level?
Goulash with Beans or Doom Level?
But why?
nah, just search for brave beta 108 Android 6 Arm V7. Thats the last Android 6 build and 99% of sites work just fine.
Last time I checked ARM v7 is not the issue, there are still up to date builds available from Chrome itsself or Brave, rather Android 6 is. Google seems to have a cycle where roughly every fall they drop another Android version.
Right now the minium requirement is Anroid 8 and if the cycle continues it will loose support in a few months and Android 9 will be the new minimum requirement.
However I also have a a few Android 6 or 7 devices and usually firefox runs fine on them if they at least have two proper large CPU cores. But using two year old Chromium based browsers, I never ran into any sites that wouldn’t work correctly.
And with the 4000 Series it worked so damn well. 4090s sold like sliced bread
God I love the web platform!