Web Developer by day, and aspiring Swift developer at night.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • This has me going down some rabbit holes on Wikipedia.

    Basically so far, I’ve read about Cain and Able and how God favored Able over Cane, which made Cain jealous enough to kill his brother. To which God curses Cain with a “mark” - which incidentally was used against darker skinned folks by the Christian church to justify racism because dark skin was seen as the “mark” of Cain.

    It was because of “human sin and the Nephilim” that the world became corrupted, and this made God want to wipe out humankind for it. Noah being the only good guy left was the chosen one of course. He had to get seven pairs of clean animals and one pair of unclean animals - my Southern Baptist upbringing always taught one pair of each.

    After the flood, God didn’t like that humanity was getting along with each other and didn’t like that they were working together to build the Tower of Babel, so he decides it’s better to divide humanity with different languages and “sets them apart with confusion.”

    That’s as far as I’ve gotten so far. It’s really interesting given what Ive been taught, compared to what the stories really say. Not to mention, God is truly the OG troll and a huge asshole.

  • Oh man. Trump plans on going full dictator if given the chance.

    A military tribunal or commission is most usually used to refer to a court that asserts jurisdiction over persons who are members of an enemy army, are held in military custody, and are accused of a violation of the laws of war…. Military tribunals also, generally speaking, do not assert jurisdiction over people who are acknowledged to be civilians who are alleged to have broken civil or criminal laws. However, military tribunals are sometimes used to try individuals not affiliated with a particular state’s military who are nonetheless accused of being combatants and acting in violation of the laws of war. Source