Progenitor of the Weird Knife Wednesday feature column. Is “column” the right word? Anyway, apparently I also coined the Very Specific Object nomenclature now sporadically used in the 3D printing community. Yeah, that was me. This must be how Cory Doctorow feels all the time these days.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023

  • My SO and I discussed that engagement rings shouldn’t be expensive.

    Correct answer. This indicates that the two of you have at least some kind of head on your shoulders.

    I used a literal piece of costume jewelry for the proposal. It was very shiny, but only $10. The point of this was, we got a “real” engagement ring afterwards and she could pick what she wanted rather than me doing it for her and getting it wrong. We ultimately settled on a moissanite rock which is, it must be said, hella sparkly. And significantly cheaper than getting a diamond which she’d be forever fearful of losing or smashing out of the setting, or whatever. After visiting quite a few jewelry places, believe it or not the place where we found the one she loved was at Walmart. I still feel sophisticated to this very day.

    Fellas, if your chickie is more worried about how shiny a pebble you’ve brought her is rather than, you know, the person bringing it, what you have yourself there is a problem.

  • I’d doubt this is a thing that’s unique to Lemmy, but A) moderatorship in general attracts a certain kind of individual and B) Lemmy as a whole seems to attract a user base with a fairly consistent mindset which tends to be overall left leaning and a little bit radical. A lot of the normies are probably still on reddit, or wherever the fuck.

    …Says the chump who moderates three communities (one of which is dead), so everything I say on the matter may be bullshit.

    There are exceptions, like the various infamous tankie instances. The thing about Lemmy instances is anyone with thumbs and a credit card to pay for hosting can create one and then make it their own ideological hobby-horse.

  • You’re conflating the tuner with the antenna. The person you replied to, however, is correct including the comment about the digital tuner boxes (which convert to an analog signal for old TV’s) being available for free during the analog to digital changeover back when.

    Any piece of metal will work as an antenna, even for receiving digital broadcasts. It might not work well, but there is no magical difference between a “digital” antenna and an “analog” one, and since digital television is transmitted over pretty much the same original frequencies as analog was, old analog antennae are already quite well tuned in size and shape to pick up modern digital signals.

    You just have to plug your 1940’s antenna into a 2009+ or so television. The antenna itself doesn’t “decode” anything. It just catches radio waves and passes the waveform along to the TV or tuner box. I still use the old 60’s era rooftop antenna that cane with my house, but plugged into my modern TV and it receives digital channels just fine.