here we go again

is also:
was: /u/experbia

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2023

  • yes, they believe it’s one of the “in plain sight” pieces of evidence - that when you’re born, you have to have a berth (maritime) certificate that makes you like, property of the state or something because you’re recorded as “docking” with the country (which is actually a corporation that wants to own you and use your cache of money they hide from you that you receive at birth), and “they” get away with the ruse because us normal rubes just never think to ask if they said “berth” (maritime) or “birth” (reproduction). not even joking lmao

    it is a funny pun, too, but they really think birth certificates are, in fact, secretly “berth” certificates for them in maritime trade law, which they believe is the only real law, in which we are all like… sovereign vessels that have been duped into signing away our independence.

  • just my 2c…

    conservatives require hierarchy to exist. they believe it always did, does, and always will exists - that achieving any kind of equality on a large scale is a pipe dream and unnatural and impossible or even evil to strive for, because it necessitates “knocking them down” to do it. so, their focus is to ensure that they are not currently on the bottom of this hierarchy (fortunately, there’s always someone to put beneath them) and to ensure that the bottom does not “rise past them” to leave them at the bottom (as anything promising equality may do). they rally around loud personalities that project power and control (even if it’s not true) because just as there must be those beneath them, there must be those above them as well - they pick superiors that are the most personally relatable to them (in an arbitrary, per-person manner) so they can feel they are higher in the hierarchy than they are. after all, if you’re just like this person who is obviously high on the ladder of society, you must be pretty well-off too, right? is this why the people they pick tend to be bigoted, unintelligent, and cruel? maybe.

    the reason it’s always someone else’s problem is that the problem (in their mind) is that the people beneath them (their “lessers”) are acting as though they’re on a level of the social hierarchy that they don’t belong. therefore, all social problems clearly have an obvious clause: “if only everyone else would just know their place under us, we wouldn’t be having these conflicts.” - it can’t be them that’s the problem, because that would imply there’s some kind of issue that may suggest they’re not as high up on the social ladder as they thought. gay/trans/brown/etc people want to be recognized as equals? it dilutes their position on the ladder. they would claw past others in this imaginary hierarchy by any means necessary, so of course they assume the “others” will too. no, it’s an attack on them, they have to strike back!

    gay nightclub shootings and anti-lgbt violence? “maybe they shouldn’t have called attention to themselves as they tried to push us down the social hierarchy” someone (anyone) threatens violence upon them? “intolerable. inexcusable. they need to learn their place beneath us”

    why do so many of them hate being called cis? because being labelled cis puts them at the same level as a trans person, who they believe is automatically beneath them by virtue of not being exactly like them. it is an attack on them, because they are not considered the normal, the default, as they believe they are. an identifier implies that differentiation between the conservative and the trans person is required, which implies it’s not clear to everyone that they are inherently superior to the trans person. you may as well call them “poor powerless worthless scum who deserves to be exploited and abused” in their eyes.

    it’s maddeningly difficult to convince a hierarchy-addict that it’s a delusion.

    it makes being a politician for them pretty easy, too. just be relatable to the average self-absorbed person, and claim to do what’s needed to put the inferior scum back below your voters where they belong so they can rise up to be superior once more. no surprise this interlaces very well with fascist and racial supremacist ideologies.

  • is biden better than trump? yes. am I voting biden? yes, there’s no other real option. is he a feckless snivelling coward that only cares about people if they offer him a chance for power? yes. does he actually intend to do anything to improve our country and stave off a christofascist totalitarian takeover? hell no he doesn’t lmao

    he won’t do a good god damn thing if the corporations who have their fists up his ass don’t force him to, and they don’t give a shit about any of this because when it all turns red come inauguration day, regulations and protections will be stripped away and they’ll have no restriction on how they can abuse us and our planet for their own gain.

    he has this new power, and just like with the power he holds now, he won’t do anything with it that will actually move the needle and improve quality of life for anyone unless it serves his interest. the next guy will use it though. bend over, y’all.