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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • While you’re fact-checking Was (Not Was), be aware that some of the historical events alleged in “I Feel Better Than James Brown” may not have occurred literally as described.

    I was attending Mardi Gras with Fidel Castro
    Buxom cross-dressers threw fake gold coins at our feet
    As we discussed the fate of the Revolution.
    Suddenly, CIA men dressed in bikinis
    Tried to stab us with fountain pens
    But Fidel blew mustard gas through his cigar
    And immobilized the lot of them.
    Nineteen tequilas later, we had a deal:
    Havana goes back to the Mob,
    And Fidel and I open up a chain of Kentucky Fried Chicken shops.

    It is, alas, unknowable whether Mr. Was actually felt better than James Brown. How do you feel?

  • both the Democratic and Republican parties are right of center liberalism

    We currently have:

    • a center-right party (the Democrats) who have tempered their “free trade, rising tide lifts all boats” NAFTA liberalism with some “made in America” economic nationalism lately; and
    • a far-right party (the Republicans) who are likely to nominate an outright fascist for their next presidential candidate — either a failed dictator, or a human trafficker — both of whom have promised to continue to abuse power to get revenge on their political enemies.