They did an attempt at VR, just because it didn’t sell doesn’t mean they didn’t make technically the most capable VR set
They did an attempt at VR, just because it didn’t sell doesn’t mean they didn’t make technically the most capable VR set
Tim Apple is an MBA. Is the company struggling?
Those corporations are serving users, they wouldn’t need all that power if billions weren’t using their services
Yeah, Russia doesn’t arrest Apple employees in Russia
Safari, which is the biggest one. But also in the OS, they committed to supporting it, but I’m not sure if they followed through yet
You haven’t heard that Apple supports it now?
That’s a good point, but I’ve never seen merch for less popular shows.
You can’t have revenue from people who are watching it for free
Okay, now tell me how pirate sites contribute to creation of said content
I had a laptop with 8GB. Doing one of those things was fine, but when you open up another program it takes forever to switch to the browser
Oh wow, it’s useless
People who live in countries with internet censorship?
So Netflix actually pays for shows to get made, so when everyone pays for Netflix, it lets everyone enjoy them. Pirate sites only extract value from the hard work of the producers, without paying them.
They use the subscription money to pay production studios. What did the pirate site use the subscription money for?
Did the pirate site pay anyone to make new shows?
Both Wikipedia and Stack Overflow just have a few dozen fast servers despite being some of the world’s highest trafficked websites
Did they make the shows too?
I think the shows have been better than the movies
Succession was really good, for example
Again, users actually use it