My gender is my concern, but you may use any pronoun to refer to me

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • “Always acceptable” can only be interpreted to mean in any amount, for any reason. That’s clearly sadistic and disturbed were it to reflect your true feelings. It’s the sort of nonsense a person says to themself when they refuse to allow themself to think rationally about a subject and actually reflect on their true feelings.

    The animals we create are morally equivalent to our own children and are owed the exact same unconditional love and protection.

  • I mean that’s a reasonable superficial analysis and you can probably get through life on that without a lot of trouble… unless your smart, engaged son or daughter starts talking this bullshit one day, and you have to figure out what is really wrong, so that you can help them. Because calling them a fucking idiot? Ain’t gonna save them.

    I think this is a defense mechanism on your part. It’s hard to deal with this, that so many people are so badly removed from reality that they cannot see these simple, important facts. But it’s a lot like someone sees a homeless person, and they immediately jump to denigrate that person, to help them cope with their own emotional needs at the expense of their own empathy.