• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • We really don’t have a lot of facts here. What we have so far:

    • He ranted against paedophiles.
    • He was a registered Republican.
    • There were Trump signs in his (family’s) yard.
    • He was bullied in school.
    • A donation was made in his name for $15 to an Act Blue subsidiary.
    • He was denied being on the rifle team due to his behaviour and his lack of skill with a rifle.

    And that’s about it. Not much room to base your guess.

    It’s just as likely that he bought into the notion that the elites are all a bunch of baby-eating, baby-fucking Satan worshippers, but NOT the notion that that only applied to the Left, and tried to remove a Right-Winger with a history of visiting powerful men and diddling kids on exclusive islands.

  • He’s been a gaffe machine his entire life. I don’t think that’s a sign of an old, decrepit mind, but the sign that the same Biden who referred to his running mate in 2008 as “Barack America” and his running mate’s opponent as “George” (rather than John McCain) is running for President in 2024. I think I like his answer. “You can either watch what I say during a high-pressure interview for 90 minutes, or you can watch what I did for 3.5 years with a staunch opposition throwing out the road blocks every chance they got. But if you vote against me, you get Project 2025. You might want to look that up before you cast your vote.”

  • …how exactly?

    • Alaska adds 198 Republicans and subtracts 59 Democrats. It’s hard right, so nothing new there.
    • Colorado bucks your trend, and goes Blue. But it was blue before, so no real change there.
    • Deleware loses both Republican and Democratic voters. It’s not close enough that a net gain of 99 Republican votes will matter.
    • Florida gains 23.6k Republicans and loses 522 Democrats. It was already hard right, so nothing changes here.
    • Idaho gains 1035 Repulblicans and 171 Deemocrats. It’s a lockin for Team Red so no real change here either.
    • Iowa gained 12.7k Republicans and lost 2.3k Dems. Even with a net gain of 16k Republicans, Iowa is still hard red, so nothing different.
    • Kentucky, another red state, gained 4.9k Repulbicans and lost 1.7k Dems.
    • Louisiana, as red as the stick in the bayou that gave its capital its name, gained 1.6k Reps and lost 2.7k Dems.
    • Maryland lost 3.3k Reps and 14.7k Dems. I might be concerned about this one.
    • New Hampshire lost 2.3k Dems and 3.4k Reps. That’s interesting.
    • New Jersey gained 27.1k Reps and 24.7k Dems. I’d be a little concerned about this one.
    • New Mexico gained 3.8k Reps and 2.9k Dems. This is another I’d be a little concerned about.
    • North Carolina gained 15.2k Reps and lost 0.9k Dems. It’s been trending Right since forever. Some hope it’s in play, but this should prove it’s not.
    • Oklahoma gained 5.7k Reps and 1.2k Dems. It’s part of the Solid South these days, so same shit, different day.
    • Pennsylvania gained 9k Reps and lost 0.2k Dems. That’s a bit of a worry, yes, as it’s a swingy purple state. This is the one I’m most concerned about.
    • Rhode Island lost 0.2k Reps and 2.8k Dems. maybe something to worry about, but it’s a pretty blue state, so not much…unless you’re worried about the sudden exodus of voters from that State.
    • South Dakota gained 1.8k Reps and lost 80 (!) Dems. It was already hard right, so this changes what exactly?
    • Utah lost 4.2k Reps and 0.5k Dems. I would be more worried about the loss of population if I was in Utah, honestly, as realistically, Utah is really hard Right.
    • West Virginia gains 2.7k Reps and loses .9k Dems. Another Red State getting redder.
    • Wyoming gains a tiny number of Reps compared to Dems. It’s hard right. It’s also virtually abandoned. Nothing really changes here.
    • I notice 27 States are missing from this, plus DC. I wonder why?
    • Of the 23 states that make the cut, 13 are Right-leaning states.
    • California and Texas, the biggest Liberal and Conservative states in the union by population, are missing.
    • It’s easy to BS stats when you only include part of them.
    • No links to his sources. Just a case of ‘trust me’. I’m not sure I trust him.

  • OP doesn’t seem to care to answer this question, so other people are trying to fill in answers as best they can.

    I like mozz’s answer. The Hard Left is an amorphous concept that depends on the individual and their opinion in general. For some of us, they are the most progressive end of the left-right axis, motivated by working to protect the most disadvantaged in society. Many of these look at Project 2025 and the Trump administration of 2017 through 2020 and come to the conclusion that their priorities are best served with Biden in office and Trump on the sidelines, but quite a few get blinded by the Gaza situation and think that somehow letting Trump burn it all down will help them politically. Unfortunately, with how divided American society is, it won’t take many people voting third party or staying home, especially in Swing States, to swing the election Trump’s way.

    Of course, there are people who think that the Hard Left is anyone left of Atilla the Hun, or at least anyone left of the individual in question. OP peaced out so we’re left speculating on them, but I suspect from their wording, the Hard Left is anyone left of themselves. And thus, the OP is being clued in that the Hard Left is NOT blindly voting like Biden like the Hard Right is blindly voting for Trump. Maybe it’ll be an eye-opening experience. Sorry, I can’t wave a magic wand and make OP answer this, though. That would be nice.

  • You miss DAMunzy’s point.

    Every day we get hard lefties saying they’d rather vote third party, stay home, or even vote Trump because Biden didn’t get them the shiny golden alicorn that farts rainbows that they swear they were promised. All it would take is for enough of them to vote Jill Stein or RFJ Jr. (who isn’t very leftie when you look closely at him) and Team Pepe can steal the election. Biden has to appeal to both the moderates AND the hard left, an impossible proposition, while trying to make the point that both moderates and hard-lefties lose and lose hard if Team Nazi Frog gets into office.

  • Irony is trying to hold Lemmy posters accountable for exaggeration while exaggerating yourself.

    Nowhere do I see any accusation that Boebert was having any form of sex in the theatre. We call it as we see it – she was groping her date while he groped her, in a theatre with kids in it, during a family presentation, after accusing gays of immoral behaviour. We’re not calling her out for her inappropriate behaviour. We’re calling her out for her hypocrisy of calling others out for their inappropriate behaviour.

    What you’re doing here is concern trolling. We hear your concerns. We are not doing what you’re accusing us of doing. You’re attempting to distract the conversation from the fact that Boebert got felt up during a family event while calling out LGBTQ+ folks for ‘sexual deviancy’. We’re not having it. Piss off with that nonsense.

  • And it’s a joke that has been played on Americans since forever. There’s a way out of it, but it’s not easy, and you better bet your ass that BOTH parties will fight to keep the status quo. If you want change, you need to do the following things.

    1. Vote for Biden because if Trump wins, he has plans to take over.
    2. Push immediately after the election for Ranked Choice Voting.
    3. Unless and until 2 is achieved, get your guys and gals running as Democrats and vote for them in the Primaries, then vote for the Republican in the general. The GQP showed how well that works as Team Pepe is getting exactly what they want.