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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • How do you give a handout to the “military” without putting that money into circulation?

    That’s the beauty of “trickle-down” economics - it doesn’t. Give it to the military and the parts of it that doesn’t get hoarded by MIC billionaires gets spent on things such as R&D and asset/infrastructure development and maintenance - there’s not a lot of that money “trickling” down and circulating amongst the general population.

    If you were to spend it on health infrastructure and development, the money will still not be “trickling” down - but the benefits will. A bunch of F-35s means next-to-zero benefits for people - but a functional hospital does.

  • “printing more money” however, this has the potential to cause rapid inflation.

    That only happens if you put all that money into circulation - if you were to, say, just give it away as a handout to the military or Israel… no inflation. Which is… exactly how they give handouts to the military and Israel.

    To think… they could just as easily spend that thumb-suck money on healthcare - but that won’t murder brown people, so they don’t do it.

  • tech has nothing to do with him being a piece of shit,

    We don’t call tech bros tech bros because they’re technical. We call them tech bros because they are pieces of shit.

    TV Tropes has the best description of them.

    A Tech Bro is someone connected with the technology and business industry; cultivating an image of intelligence mixed with money, counterculture attitude and social savvy. Whether they are actually hip, business literate, anti-authority or even intelligent in any form depends on the individual. Their goal is to charm investors into funding their project, so some degree of false presentation is necessary. Typically they are young men in their twenties and early thirties, insisting on casual clothing, shaggy hair and Perma-Stubble. Some of them are keen on partying and getting up to wacky hijinx, and are easily distracted during business meetings. Their speech is a blend of Technobabble and corporate buzzwords designed to attract investors, self-promoting at every opportunity. They see themselves as leaders, even visionaries, and they want you to know it.

    And Apartheid tech bro up there is their god.

    edit: I have to mention that I have no idea where anyone gets the idea that tech bros are in any way “countercultural” or “anti-authoritarian” - I’ve never seen a tech bro that’s anti-capitalist, which means they are as drenched in the politics of bootlicking as the rest. I guess the only difference is that they perceive themselves to be deserving of having their boots licked - despite the fact that they will happily lick the boots of Musk, Gates and the rest themselves.