Nice try. But let’s play with the thought that there’s no way we can let a rookie listen in on customer calls and gradually work their way into the role until they have enough experience… What about hiring technicians/professionals that has been working with the products/services for 10 years?
That would be a way of getting competent customer support people, right?
And just to clarify my comment that you replied on: The problem today is that most often there’s no career path for the customer support rookies and the pay is so lousy that most people just work customer support until they get something better.
That’s definitively the correct way to avoid getting experienced people in the customer support.
I have the same experience as you do, but there’s a reason that the big ISPs continue to be big: The majority of customers seems to prioritize a lower price than a better level of support.
(Also, I’m not just talking about ISPs. I meant customer support in general and how the view has changed from “keeping a customer is much cheaper than gaining one” to “cattle, cattle, cattle. If we lose one, there’s hundreds to gain”.)