isn’t malpractice what nathan fillion did to prepare for his role of captain of the serenity?
isn’t malpractice what nathan fillion did to prepare for his role of captain of the serenity?
what are you on about, mate? who’s paying for copilot’s adoption? who’s funding the disparaging of the medieval term for a minstrel with a song?
who’s paying you for this absurd take?
in this part of the world, we are blessed with stray dogs who are also protected by our supreme court. it’s quite literally against the law, for example, to prohibit the feeding of strays by animal lovers.
i once saw one of them shudder and whine at the sound of fireworks. its tail scrunched under and it pissed itself in fear and confusion. its plaintive moans were drowned out by the incessant blasts of the “mala” crackers (a literal garland of 10,000 or so crackers strung out in sequence that goes on bursting for an hour or so). the poor thing just did not know what was happening and it became a shivering ball of anxiety until the blasts stopped.
anyone who sees an innocent animal suffer like that will never, ever, want to light a firecracker again.
what have they replaced the X button on their controllers with, then?
one must commend Hergé’s research.
to show moon caves in Explorers on the Moon sixteen years before the moon landing in an era without the internet is some freaky stuff.