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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • Could this be a use great use case of an LLM?

    All the Sovcit logic stuff is bullshit anyway, it just sounds like something that might be real. So build an LLM and feed it all the Sovcit shit you can find. Then ask it a question that contradicts a Sovcit position. Yes its going to be a garbage answer it returns, but it will sound like something a Sovcit would say.

    Sovcit: “You can’t take my car because I issued an international statement of payment with receipt on my account!”

    LLM answer: “Oh, I’m sorry. International statements of payment are only valid in registered districts of independence. You clearly haven’t executed a notice Promissory Estoppel, and its too late now so I have to take the car.”

  • “I certainly would like abortion to be illegal nationally,” Vance said in the episode, explaining why regulating abortion at the state level wouldn’t work. “Let’s say Roe v. Wade is overruled,” he said. “Ohio bans abortion … you know, in let’s say 2024. And then, every day, George Soros sends a 747 to Columbus to load up disproportionately black women to get them to go have abortions in California. And of course, the left will celebrate this as a victory for diversity.”

    J.D., abortion is legal in Ohio because voters put it on the ballot as a citizen lead imitative. We got reproductive freedom (including abortion) written into our goddamn State Constitution because our republican “representatives” continuously refused to listen to the will of the people.

  • The only reason suburbs even became a thing in this country was because white people with FHA loans wanted nice houses close to their jobs and the amenities of cities but didn’t want their tax money going to fund black kids schools,

    Hang on, that doesn’t track with history as I know it currently.

    • Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) is where the whole garbage “separate but equal” logic came from including on school funding where everyone but whites got poor resources for schools.
    • Suburbs were created as a result of soldiers returning from WWII which would have been starting in 1945 with a the majority in 1946 after VJ day with the Japanese surrendering.
    • It would be another 8 years before Brown v Board of Education (1954) shot down “separate but equal” for schools allowing integration, and even then it wouldn’t have meant instant emptying of inner cities for suburbs until the early 60s or so.

    So suburbs already were a thing and not caused by white people not wanting to fund black schools. Yes, exit to suburbs accelerated because of that, but suburbs weren’t created because of it.

  • Two important points raised:

    • Why is Linksys sending your Wifi details, as well as your private password, outside of your home
    • If they’re doing it, why are they sending your critically important private information unencrypted onto the public internet

    The answer to the first one may be semi-legit as these are mesh products. As in, the other nodes in the mesh will need this information, and it appears that Linksys has decided to store your security data in AWS for the other mesh nodes to retrieve it when you’re setting it up. I’d sure as hell like to know this before the product does this. Further, I’d much prefer to simply attached to each mesh node myself to input the secured credentials instead of sending them outside to the internet.

    There’s not excuse for Linksys sending the creds unencrypted onto the internet.

  • How much is 25 lbs. of fuel savings worth to you? How much is it worth to Boeing?

    United Airlines switched to lighter paper for in-flight use to save 11lbs source

    From that article:

    “With United Airline’s 4,500 daily departures, it made sense to cut 1 oz. from its in-flight magazine, and switch to a lighter paper (weighing 6.85 oz.) instead. What this means in a larger scale, says the Times, is that the airline is saving 170,000 gallons of fuel a year which amounts to $290,000 in annual fuel costs.”

  • It looks like this material is being used for interior cosmetic components, not load/stress bearing structures:

    While the sidewall panel project is awaiting additional unique tooling and funding, Boeing is exploring recycled carbon fiber for additional cabin components, such as sandwich panels, which Wynhof said are used all over the cabin in nonloadbearing structures that don’t need to have the same sound-dampening requirements as sidewall panels, such as lavatory and galley walls, partitions, monuments and bins. She said the company hopes to test them in the “very near future.”

    So things like the interior plastic “wall” you can touch when you’re sitting in the window seat. It sounds like a good use for this material if it is otherwise scrap, and has better characteristics than the virgin materials they’re using today for these parts.

  • Cable companies have seen the writing one the wall with Cable TV for quite awhile. They had the perfect product to pivot to with broadband. Had they offered a great product with great customer service, they’d have had the market forever especially how much consumers felt burned by telecoms abusing their market dominance with with early broadband.

    Instead, cable companies doubled down on the lock-in and bundle model with deceptive pricing and horrible customer service ceding ground to wireless providers and even the same telecoms that were hated before.

    Our household cut the cord on cableTV/satellite about 14 years ago, but kept cable modem service since then. Now that the local telecom has laid fiber at 500Mb/s for $49/month we dropped any relationship with the cable company. Two months before the fiber came in, cable suddenly dropped the price of our 100Mb/s service and increased the speed to $300Mb/s. At $80/month it was still better for us to ditch the cable company and go with the telecom fiber connection.