computational linguist more like bomputational bimgis

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 2nd, 2024


  • Are you suggesting that we do it to expose peoples’ medical information to the public…? Or am I misinterpreting this

    I think them being openly Republican lets everyone know well enough that they lack empathy/humanity. It’s on people (well, more like our education system to teach people) to recognize that, WITHOUT violating basic privacy rights. Plus, knowing the publics’ ableism and perception of mental disorders, people will probably start suggesting that ASD, ADHD, etc. should disqualify you from having a gun if the laws aren’t just listing out arbitrary diagnoses.

    Personally, I currently live in a very red part of Georgia (not for much longer though) and I’m pretty queer and have ADHD and stuff, so I’d rather not let the government even know what guns I own. When the state or federal government becomes social democratic, I’ll be completely fine with it

  • (Boost for Lemmy went fucky wucky so I reposted this comment)

    Sounds like a great way for conservatives to make sure their victims don’t get guns. They’ll go back to pretending to be concerned for trans people and stuff. Remember when women were forced into psych wards for being “disobedient”? I bet it’d basically be the same type of labelling anyone going against the fascist agenda as mental illness.

    I’m all for it in the progressive parts of the country (like Massachussetts) where minorities (including lgbt) probably wouldn’t be targetted like that by the government. But in the regressive states like Mississippi, or Louisiana, or West Virginia, or Florida, or Texas… no thanks, I don’t want to have my house raided when overlord Trump becomes supreme leader and the state decides I don’t deserve human rights unless I convert to Christianity (the right kind of Christianity though obviously, the wrong kind will get you dragged out into the street and shot)

    I think it just boils down to “gun control requires the government to enforce it especially fairly and in good faith” which I do NOT trust a conservative government to do. One shitty election, and suddenly leftists or minorities can’t get guns and all my gun data next to my address and SSN is conveniently accessible to fascists, along with the statistics bought from corporations saying I’m a filthy socialist

  • Sounds like a great way for conservatives to make sure their victims don’t get guns. They’ll go back to pretending to be concerned for trans people and stuff. Remember when women were forced into psych wards for being “disobedient”? I bet it’d basically be the same type of labelling anyone going against the fascist agenda as mental illness.

    I’m all for it in the progressive parts of the country (like Massachussetts) where minorities (including lgbt) probably wouldn’t be targetted like that by the government. But in the regressive states like Mississippi, or Louisiana, or West Virginia, or Florida, or Texas… no thanks, I don’t want to have my house raided when overlord Trump becomes supreme leader and the state decides I don’t deserve human rights unless I convert to Christianity (the right kind of Christianity though obviously, the wrong kind will get you dragged out into the street and shot)

    I think it just boils down to “gun control requires the government to enforce it especially fairly and in good faith” which I do NOT trust a conservative government to do. One shitty election, and suddenly leftists or minorities can’t get guns and all my gun data next to my address and SSN is conveniently accessible to fascists, along with the statistics bought from corporations saying I’m a filthy socialist