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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 17th, 2024


  • So then Trump should still be prosecuted, right? Since he allegedly broke the law 91 times, 34 of which he has already been found guilty of exactly that… right?

    Pretty sure that the point of the ruling is to grant Trump considerably more ammunition to fight with since it wasn’t an outright “no, he’s not immune.” Any hedging that this was not a political move by the very conservative court is willful ignorance of reality.

    We as a nation have only two hopes left: that the public creates an overwhelming lopsided victory for Biden in November (unlikely since nearly half of the country would suck Trump’s very tiny penis if given the chance), or that Chutkan and other judges don’t let this moronic Supreme Court decision change their rulings since supposedly the decision leaves it in these judges hands. And it’s now very unlikely anything will occur prior to November so we may be left with only the one hope.

    Make no mistake — Trump is a criminal, a convicted felon, and Trump supporters love it. Because yet again they think they’re “owning the libs” when in reality they are destroying the republic with their sycophancy. I sincerely hope they each get what they want and the country gets irrevocably destroyed — so that their owning of the libs is complete and maybe, just maybe, they’ll finally shut — the — fuck — up.

  • I know quite enough about Musk. I also know myself and calling me ignorant is rather presumptuous. But I get the sense that you like to attempt to correct others a lot, especially those you think are less learned when we simply don’t require it because we’re not actually wrong or misinformed. What you see as ignorance is simply that one can be both learned, and also hold a strong opinion about someone based on evidence of their behavior and their actions or inactions.

    Just because you don’t agree with such an opinion does not mean we somehow are less educated about a subject.

    It really is okay. You can continue on thinking I’m dumb :)

    This will be my last reply to you. I appreciate your passion.

  • No I understand economy just fine. I understand that I’m spending double (or more) on groceries than what I spent a mere five years ago which vastly exceeds inflation. I understand that businesses don’t actually need a captain as you describe, but that is a concept difficult for most to realize. And I also understand that there exists multiple businesses that have such captains that actually do hard work and do provide more than just dividends and interest to a shareholder.

    Musk is a parasite on the world.

    And it’s okay if you don’t like what I say. :)

  • I never once said it was his standard salary nor did I allude to such.

    Elon did nothing. The workers at Tesla did everything. Such a sad state of the world when people like him are so revered for one thing — having money. And it’s even sadder that people equate that to having intelligence or actually producing anything. The reason the shareholders approved this is because they see him as a way for themselves to make more money. It’s pure greed all around.

    So I reiterate just in case it was confusing the first time around — Insane. No one person should have, or deserve, 56 billion dollars. And especially this piece of shit.