The quote:

“Given Joe Biden’s incredible record, given Donald Trump’s terrible record: he should be mopping the floor with Donald Trump. Joe Biden is running against a criminal. It should not be even close. And there is only one reason it is close. And that is the president’s age.”

    3 months ago

    There was some misogyny involved in Clinton’s loss, but she had a special kind of misogyny attached to her that was built up over years. The fallout from the affair Bill had really kind of splashed back on Clinton, she wasn’t just hated by misogynist men, she illicited a ton of internalized misogyny from conservative women as well, in part because of the way she presented herself after it came to light.

    Harris doesn’t have any of that baggage. At this point I think Trump has hoovered up the vast majority of misogynists and bigots already. Most people at this point likely don’t care.