We live in a devolving society. America’s financial institution is fully dependent upon itself. Wealth, status, it is only perpetuated by those who already have it.

But they don’t really have it. They don’t have shit. What they have is contingent upon credit.

So, as long as they can get you paying your bills, ping your interest rates, they can pay their’s.

I’m pulling out. They can all suck my dick.

The assets are all leveraged. So they are not assets. They are LIABILITIES. The most wealthy people are the most saddled by debt.

If the purpose in life is to build society that is safe and fosters freedom of thought and freedom from financial burdens, why do we take advice from people who are terminally financially captive?

They are financial cripples, yet they have somehow tricked us into thinking that they got it all figured out. No. They just got good at fucking making us gullible.

  • DoctorDonothing
    9 months ago

    Yeah… it’s like these women who jam their faces full of shit… deforming their faces (in the name of beauty???) and then they wonder why their daughter sees themselves as ugly. Welcome to bulimia nervosa, girls.

    It’s all a bunch of twisted-ass, sick, treacherous BULLSHIT to separate people from their hard earned money, and their dignity.

    They get them to buy into the lie… of course they want to get you on their level. So their ugly face makes sense to them. So they can reconcile that they PAID A LOT OF MONEY TO FUCK UP THEIR FACE.
