The Biden administration’s policy on Gaza has been widely criticised as being in disarray as the defense secretary described the situation as a “humanitarian catastrophe” the day after the state department declared Israel to be in compliance with international humanitarian law.

Washington was also on the defensive on Tuesday over its claim that a UN security council ceasefire resolution on which it abstained was non-binding, an interpretation that put the US at odds with other member states, international legal scholars and the UN itself.

  • jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
    6 months ago

    The only real solution is one nobody has the political capital to pull off.

    You treat them like fighting toddlers. Roll in and forcibly separate them. Set up a DMZ.

    “You, go over here and knock off your bullshit.”
    “You, go over there and stop your bullshit.”

    “No, I don’t CARE who started it. I’m ENDING it.”

    Nobody will ever do that to Israel.

      6 months ago

      You’d also have to reverse the systemic settler colonialism of Israeli Zionists on Palestinian land, otherwise Israel will continue to illegally seize land and homes to displace Palestinians.