Close your eyes. Think about the multitudes of people inhabiting the earth. Many suffer. Why?

They are suffering the consequences of their own actions, or being held subject to evil conditions due to oppressors; visible or otherwise.

One often begets the other. “Those who are led into captivity, will die in captivity.”

GUILT enters the chat

We beat the shit out of ourselves.

Wash, rinse, repeat. Indefinitely.

It’s oftentimes hard to recognize that you hate yourself. That you made consecutive poor decisions, and put yourself in the worst position possible. Maybe others, as well. Likely, the people you love most.

The people you would step in front of traffic for.

However, the truth is the truth, whether it’s denied or not.

We oftentimes scare ourselves, don’t we?

We pull away because of our fear, don’t we?

We can’t help anyway.

The number one reason why some individuals run towards a car crash to offer aide, while most do nothing… is their belief in their own effectiveness.

“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you are right.”

  • Henry Ford

Character is trusting yourself.

Characters is what you do when nobody’s watching. It’s what you are made of.

Character is also continuously developing throughout our life story. It ain’t over, till it’s over.

Like a game. The primary “rule” is you cannot quit.

So, why do we suffer?

Simple. So we can overcome.

Then help others do the same. So we can become a least a pinprick sized hole, something for their eyes can fixate on when the perception is complete, total darkness.

It’s a lie. Darkness only exists because it is cast by the light.

Now that we know the purpose of pain, we can proceed.

Next steps?

Develop your character.

Make decisions daily that reinforce the notion that you should trust yourself. Do not falter.

There’s a serious shortage of good being done behind closed doors. Do your part.

Just do it. Recognition, is irrelevant.

Counteracting evil in the world, brings eternal rewards.

“The only failures, are success not tried.”

  • Teach Me, poem