“Instant Crush” by Daft Punk
.XXX. by Kendrick Lamar
“If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his own father, mother, wife, children, brothers, and sisters—and yes, even his own life—he cannot be My disciple.“ Luke 14
I think most of us have felt similar to this at least once in our lives.
Just… like… DON’T DO IT. Ok?
Tomorrow is a new day. Hang in there. 🤍
I wrote this two years ago. It was cathartic. Don’t think you can ever love somebody who doesn’t love themselves into loving you back… It’s a trap! “Lol”
I’m not a “gun person,” but I do strongly believe in the second amendment right to bear arms. It’s to protect ourselves against the government, not each other… and certainly not bears or whatever.
But I also believe “Anybody with a finger can pull a trigger. Use your brain, kiddo.”
That’s what I told my son when he went to the army.
lolzzz… so many cops out today too.
FACTS. I got banned from the astrology sub because the mod said “none of this matters” and I said “if you don’t care, and it doesn’t matter… then why are you moderating this sub?”
Permanently banned. lolololol
Sounds familiar. Accountability and commitment, are certainly lacking in today’s society.
We have to stop granting permissions to those who have no intention of sticking around for the fallout. That’s our part of accountability. Next time, we won’t engage in the first place. Live and learn.
It’s ingeniously deceptive lol. They haven’t worked out the details (never will), but they have everybody on the interwebz (and IRL) trying to figure out “what it all means.”
The show is meh at best. Sorryyyyyyyyyy