I had almost 3.5 years but lost it after an abusive relationship. Actually after the perfect storm of three abusive relationships converging in my life.

The trifecta of evil. The unholy trinity.


It’s been so hard. I’ve been wanting to drink so bad lately. I can’t even begin to explain the torture this year has been.

But it’s also brought me close to God. So close. The Lord is my everything now. I am content to be “alone” with Him.

“The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34

I am never alone.

I don’t need anyone but the Lord.

I can tolerate suffering.

I can withstand being lied about, assaulted, harassed, betrayed, abandoned, raped and cursed.

I can handle being kept from my kids and losing my home. God will set it right.

I can do anything, because Jesus did more.

I’m just trying to live up to His standard.

All I have to do is not give up or give in, and stay focused on the One who suffered most. And operate as He did: with faith and love.

I don’t need poison to feel better. Not today, satan. NOT EVER.