All alcohol does is make people fat, stupid and poor.

I guess it also makes them blind to that reality.

I read somewhere that it’s the anti-cheat code for life. Wow. I can confirm.

I had so much time under my belt. And then I got this little tickle in my brain. I’m not sad. I can have just one to relax. Just for tonight. That turned into about a week of drinking all day because I couldn’t stomach the hang-xiety.

Even just after a couple of beers that first night, it was back full force. I could not sleep. My heart was racing. I was sweating. I felt sick. My head was pounding.

To be fair, they were very strong beers. It’s like those ladies that say I’ll just have one glass, but their glass is big enough to hold an entire bottle of wine.


I guess it’s funny if you’re drunk. I guess it’s enough to make you laugh, when you’re pretending like you don’t have a problem. But it’s not really funny. It’s stupid. It’s not a good joke. Nobody’s really laughing. Any giggle you get, is due to uncomfortability.

I don’t like feeling fat. I don’t like acting stupid. I certainly don’t like being poor.

So what’s the point?

Many people drink to escape their current situation. Or to make intolerable people seem less shitty to be around. You have to dilute yourself to deal with them.

How about this instead? We don’t hang out with people who suck. Maybe we do things to make our lives better, so we don’t feel the need to run.

Seems like a pretty simple solution. And when we do this, we unconsciously give others the license to do the same. We actually help them not be those shitty people that we avoid with alcohol.