How can I be resistant to a program, when I’m trying to build a program? I literally LOLed when I realized this.

We all need fellowship. We need brothers and sisters that aren’t of our own blood. We need support. We need community. This is what has been lacking my whole life.

We need surrogate parents to call us on our shit. To chastise us with love. We need to allow God to work through others in our own lives. Otherwise we’re operating under a sense of vanity and pride. It doesn’t get us very far.

We are never alone. I know this. God is always with us. But allowing other people in your life makes this tangible.

No man is good in the eyes of the Lord, but being in a room full of people who are trying their hardest to give themselves over to the will of God is an incredible comfort. There’s nothing to fear. We’re all doing the best we can. At least in that situation. Because you can’t be blind and sit in those rooms.

Thankful to be here, thankful to be sober. Thanks for letting me share. Hahaha