• TechNerdWizard42@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Honest question for everyone. And try to think about it honestly and not just regurgitate what society tells you to think:

    Would you prefer to live in an authoritarian regime if your ideology was 100% the rules in force?

    For example if Bernie became dictator. Universal healthcare. Taxes fairly. Free or severely reduced pricing education. Abortion and lgtbq protections enshrined forever. Affordable housing and rent. Higher wages. Infrastructure. Public transit. A yearly knit mitten stipend per household. Etc.

    If you like that, and the candidate got it and then could just make it happen. Immediately and without decades of “negotiations” and lobbying and pork projects etc. Just decree that there is universal healthcare in 6 months time, no way to oppose it. Would you the democratic voter be against that?

    Personally, I believe most people would enjoy living in an autocracy of their beliefs. In order to not sound like a sociopath you have to pretend to want to let the Bobert and MTG Trump voters have their fair say. But their fair say is the opposite of everything you want.

    Now if you got 90% of what you want and 10% bullshit you disagree with, still a good deal? 75%. 55%?

    Under the current system do you think you’re getting the same percentage of what you want?