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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 12th, 2023


  • The question as asked would be a simple and emphatic “no. He didn’t meet with a Parkinson’s specialist for his own medical needs”.

    He did recently sign Parkinson’s orders which would perfectly align with the visits. But they won’t say that. And as a press secretary if that was the issue you take an issue that is gripping the news cycle and answer it with a spotlight on a very positive news story! Why would you hide that?! You wouldn’t.

    I’ve hated basically all press secretaries for the past 10 years. They all suck and lie. It’s shameful. There’s a difference between spin and propagandist/bold-face lies. They are in bold face lying territory.

  • I’m fully aware of the few buzzword and marketing pitches that cloud hosting uses. I’m forced to use both GCP and AWS for different contracts and I’m good at it.

    The real truth is that most websites and internet services do not need scale. They do not need all this crap. A Pentium 3 could host all the data for most of these businesses and services. You don’t need serverless lambda functions to handle an api when an actual endpoint does the same thing to pull some info. The few companies that need such distributed computing and power, will need a big on-site or off-site implementation. It makes sense for that sometimes. But most times, it doesn’t even then. You’re just outsourcing your engineering and paying a premium.

    I have seen so many startups spin up cloud accounts costing thousands of dollars a month when they’re in “private beta stealth”. Literally a $500 laptop could host all of their services just as quickly with no monthly fee. But as long as the VCs are paying, just flush that cash down.

  • Anything that requires a fancy buzzword is usually stupid but a good way to make money for someone. The “cloud” has always existed as offsite hosting. Off-site shared servers, VPSs, whatever. It’s no different than running CPanel on an LAMP VPS in 2003.

    But calling it “the cloud” gave all the business majors a hard on and then the accounts department realized they could manipulate share pricing by reducing the amount of assets a company holds. It’s the same stupid reason many companies don’t own their corporate headquarters or remote centers. They lease the, even if from themselves through another holding. It looks better on paper so the share price goes up. It’s all mind boggling stupid.

  • I mean… Kinda. If you rack up a huge bill on credit, then don’t pay, the US doesn’t jail you. So you get the same outcome by doing nothing as you do with all this sovereign citizen nonsense. But the outcome is you don’t pay your debt.

    It will be discharged, then sold and sold and sold and eventually written off as a tax loss to some other corporation. One of the things needed to keep a debt current is talking to the creditor. These sovereign citizen idiots don’t agree that the debtor is who is on the other end of the phone which is exactly what you need to do to not get the clock reset.

    I see this as a Task Failed Successfully situation

  • Fun fact, but the IRS can take away your right to travel by not issuing a passport as well as cancelling a passport if you owe debts. They really like to do this if you owe tax debt.

    They also like to cancel your passport while you’re abroad if your debt stacks up. When your passport is cancelled, any visas in the passport are also cancelled. Meaning of you’re living in India, Thailand, Panama, Mexico, whatever on a US passport and they cancel it, you’ll have to leave your new country immediately. As someone with no legitimate travel documents you will be deported to your country (US) immediately, you can’t go anywhere else. This is a fun tactic the US government likes to use instead of extradition.

    Everyone should make sure to have more than 1 passport and ideally for countries that do not cooperate fully.

  • Many telecom operators have a special code that is used for recording. When you’re making a call, you or the other party may press the record button. This will save both the input via microphone and the output via the speakers as one audio file for future use. When you press this button a special code is sent back to the telecom.

    Until recently most places in the USA did not do anything with this code. But now it’s catching up to the rest of the world. Once this is pressed, a voice will tell both parties that they are being recorded in the recording. This is so that you can’t later say “I didn’t know they were recording me!” and if you have every-party consent laws, then that recording is illegal so it cannot be used as evidence and the person recording could actually be charged with a crime.

    You can start the recording with an accidental face press, pocket press, keypad entry, or a malicious app. If either of you accidentally started it, then there’s your answer. If neither of you did, then most likely one of you is infected or one of you were connected to a relay tower decrypting your calls and then passing them through to a real tower. Whoever was operating this relay station was a n00b idiot though. Both are concerning.

  • I like the idea of Reddit and it works much better than Lemmy. But the moderation and AI scraping make it a no-go site for me anymore which is a shame.

    I love internet forums and have been a mod at some and very high poster at other. But the snowball effect gets them. If there’s no traffic, there’s no posts, so there’s no traffic. You need to have a good community to make it work. One area reddit really shines, small communities exist on a huge platform. Great idea before the enshittification.

    I hate discord and the fact that anyone replaces customer support or fan support pages with it, is just fundamentally broken. The idea of a forum is that the question is asked and archived. 20 years later someone else googles the question and sees the answer and all the replies that lead up to it. That’s what forums are for. In discord you ask a question and 30 seconds later it’s gone forever eaten by useless drivel. Never to be searched or found again. Idiotic.

  • Honest question for everyone. And try to think about it honestly and not just regurgitate what society tells you to think:

    Would you prefer to live in an authoritarian regime if your ideology was 100% the rules in force?

    For example if Bernie became dictator. Universal healthcare. Taxes fairly. Free or severely reduced pricing education. Abortion and lgtbq protections enshrined forever. Affordable housing and rent. Higher wages. Infrastructure. Public transit. A yearly knit mitten stipend per household. Etc.

    If you like that, and the candidate got it and then could just make it happen. Immediately and without decades of “negotiations” and lobbying and pork projects etc. Just decree that there is universal healthcare in 6 months time, no way to oppose it. Would you the democratic voter be against that?

    Personally, I believe most people would enjoy living in an autocracy of their beliefs. In order to not sound like a sociopath you have to pretend to want to let the Bobert and MTG Trump voters have their fair say. But their fair say is the opposite of everything you want.

    Now if you got 90% of what you want and 10% bullshit you disagree with, still a good deal? 75%. 55%?

    Under the current system do you think you’re getting the same percentage of what you want?