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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 4th, 2023


  • This talk of people as corporations reminds me of Mike Merrill who divided himself into 100k shares and actually got investors. Now he lives at the behest of his 805 shareholders, who decide everything for him. What he wears, where he works, what he has for breakfast, and he pays them a portion of his income as shareholders. As of right now, his shares can be purchased on his website for $5.25 a share.

  • Honestly. It would be nice if a former fascist government sent troops to liberate us. Germany, want to return the favor we did you back in the 1940s? We need the help, and maybe you can prevent a new Holocaust. Now, I’ll grant that it will be tougher, as we are a nuclear power and nuclear powers can pretty much do what they want on the world stage. You guys didn’t have those when we came along and cleared out your fascists. Don’t worry, though. If you do send a force to liberate us, I’ll comply with all their orders and give them whatever assistance they need.

  • Yes, beset by a mountain of conflicting interests and decades of infighting and ideological purity testing. Most Democrats are terrified of taking stances on wedge issues because any stance they take could break up a coalition that has all the durability of a Faberge egg. Republicans either don’t have this problem, or they don’t have it as bad. Despite having as many if not more factions than the Left, they all value loyalty and in-group cohesion, which allows them to come together every 4 years to form a unified voting bloc.

  • This sarcasm doesn’t help. But to answer your obviously facetious question, no, I can’t fix everything. But what I can do, is consider that perhaps pursuing justice rather than manners might actually be “going high”. And if Republicans are going to break rules, I’m certainly within my rights to bend them. We can all agree that “The ends justify the means” is a shitty moral philosophy, but you liberals tend to overcorrect to the point where thinking about the ends at all is -in some vaguely reflexive kinda way- innately immoral.

    And I’m not the smartest guy in the world, but even I know there is a moral imperative to disobey the rules when following will not lead to justice.

    I can also call a fascist, a fascist. Instead of simply requesting that the rules be followed, and trusting that fascist ideas will be voted against, we should do to fascists, everything that they would do and have already done to us.