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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023


  • This is … ludicrous:

    I’ve read that in the Jewish culture/religion that Yehoshua “Jesus” benJoseph, the woke socialist convict, grew up in, there was legal-divorce,

    & there was a kind of rule, too:

    “you aren’t allowed to marry someone, if you aren’t mature-enough to divorce them honestly/fairly/sanely” in that culture…

    I’m not remembering the exact phrasing of it, obviously, but that was the essence of it.

    IF you were too immature to divorce responsibly, THEN you were too immature to marry, in the 1st place.

    For … to use a phrase from the Christian bible, just updating it to modern terminology … “those who call themselves Christian … but are not” to be warring against wokeness … in the name of the wokest guy in the entire New Testament, … & to be warring against socialism … in the name of the guy who literally is famous for feeding thousands of hungry people who wanted learning/understanding & food, for no money/commercial-exchange, & who also gave free healthcare to any who’d spiritually-earned it … you can see that their bible’s phrase “those who call themselves _ _ _ _ _ _ _ … but are not” is applicable to those who fake ANY religion’s membership, of any culture, anywhere!

    How completely shameless can people be??

    _ /\ _

  • That it is up to his voluntary-withdrawl is absolute proof that the system never was engineered to be best-for-the-country as its “center”, instead was engineered to allow the politically-powerful to wear/wield the country, for their own interests.

    You can’t hide if you’re a bat, pretending to be a bird: the skeletons are sooo utterly-different, that the way their motions work makes it impossible to hide the truth.

    Same with this.

    IF it had been engineered to be best-for-the-country,

    then the country would automatically prevent DarkHexad people from competing for authority.

    DarkHexad: narcissism / machiavellianism / sociopathy-psychopathy / nihilism / sadism / systemic-dishonesty

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  • Do you reject that in the Trump/Biden election…

    CNN & NYT shut down all progressive issues, and voices that they could, as completely as they could ( & even admitted it later, one of 'em, in an interview, which is where I got their term “shut down” from ),

    …so that ONLY the Biden Institution would be??

    I’d wondered what the hell kind of “journalism” was going on,…

    …then when I found out that it had been deliberate propaganda “journalism” suppressing as much as necessary to push their preferred institution, on their part,

    …and to prevent Bernie Sanders from having any significance…

    Dear, fuck, that’s was low, of them.

    Journalism & what they do are “non-intersecting sets”, nowadays, as seems to be the case with nearly all “journalism”.

    I think that Ground.News is categorically better, but don’t know, for sure…

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  • Tell them of a famous guy, the most “woke” person in the entire bible, a socialist & convicted-felon people call “Jesus” benJoseph, who called hypocrites “Hypocrites!” right in their face, instead of “turning the other cheek”, a guy who got *physically violent" on the commercial-operation of the temple…

    See if they just blot that out from their awareness, to fit their ideology…

    Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast And Slow” is the key book to understanding the different mechanisms of mind, in the ideology/prejudice/instinct/reaction circuit, vs the considered-reasoning-circuit, in case you want the real “artillery” of understanding what’s going on in the world, now…

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