As the party’s elder statesman, it is Obama’s job to say what he thinks about party issues. But, his silence is a form of communication. It says that he basically agrees with what is happening to his old buddy Joe. Obama could have ended this a week ago by coming out 4 Square for Joe while urging party unity. He did not.
Don’t take sides. Look at the facts.
Biden is facing triple whammy - (1) poll numbers are not good, especially more than 60% Democrats wanting him to step aside, and Biden under performing D-senators/senate candidates in battleground states, (2) big donors withholding money, and (3) media frenzy.
Biden can survive one or two of these whammies but not all three simultaneously.
He’ll eventually step aside. It’s not Pelosi’s fault. In fact, if it’s anybody it’s Obama, who remains silent.
What a bunch of BS
Get well soon, Mr. President
there is no bottom
To me, this strongly telegraphs where Pelosi is at privately. No way Schiff made this statement without consulting her. Schiff is her boy.
What’s the over/under on the amount of Kotex they cut up?
“If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?”
― William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice
Red Meat
One could argue they were ineffective in their ramping.
Menendez will either resign or be ousted by the Senate. Either way, the Democratic Governor will appoint a successor; perhaps the current Democratic nominee for the position, Rep. Andy Kim
appointing Kim would create a House vacancy that wouldn’t be filled before the election. Not sure the math of that in the House matters between now and then, but it would be at least a consideration
These privatization schemes are for one purpose only, to give taxpayer money to politically connected corporations.
they always look good on a white board, but in practice it’s an inefficient way to distribute the service
The Speaker of the House couldn’t make a speech due to a teleprompter breakdown. It’s not a minor thing. If it happened to the President it would be in the news for weeks.
Sean O’Brien will be unemployed in a 2nd trump term. Authoritarians don’t like unions, he’s apparently too dumb to figure that out after what the Trump court did to unions the first time
I suppose the term Keystone Kops would be appropriate now. How in the ever loving fuck do you not know to secure the rooftops?
I think that would fall under #6.
Booing and attacking the one man who single-handedly prevented Trump from getting permanently barred from running for office.
But at least Moscow Mitch is getting the treatment he actually deserves.
Not a good look