That reminds me. My favorite memory of my last trip was missing the last train and walking 25 minutes at midnight crossing bridges and walking by a river while we experience the nice cool air and melancholy streets of Japan. Definitely a vibe.
That reminds me. My favorite memory of my last trip was missing the last train and walking 25 minutes at midnight crossing bridges and walking by a river while we experience the nice cool air and melancholy streets of Japan. Definitely a vibe.
If possible pay to have international service in that country with internet data, I did it when I visited Japan last year and the extra 30 bucks were worth it for the couple weeks I spent there. I had Hotspot available to me as well and I used it to ensure my traveling companions also had access to data. I actually looked into getting a mobile Hotspot rented but just paying for international was a better deal for me.
Plus one for the offline maps. You never know if you’re going by an area with poor reception.
If it’s a country where you don’t speak the language check out the translating apps. Google does a great job and I also used DeepL to great effect.
So it’s been sort of a joke that my current fiancee and my ex both didn’t want me to lose weight because they think I look hot chubby. Both have said that they would leave me if I ever did get skinny. As a joke of course, so I assume this is a joke too.
It does say meal prep, maybe he adds the sauce the day he’s gonna eat it. Otherwise it might get extra soggy just sitting there absorbing the sauce. He could also keep various proteins prepped in other containers and he cna just mix and match based on what he’s feeling.
Alternatively you could consider something that isn’t a ring. My fiancee is very cat coded, I gave her a gold cat bell that she loves and wears all the time. Got it from Mene dot Com which is a bonus because they’re more ethical and transparent about their gold and pay which is something my fiancee is into.
Nice, it’s free too so they don’t have to shell out hundreds of bucks to be in a newspaper.
That whole newspaper thing is so outdated. It’s the same in my state to change your name. Nobody reads them anymore so of course nobody is gonna contest.
I used the Boo app to find my now fiancee. You can talk with people and it has a quasi social media aspect to it that you can also use to chat with more people, I live in a major city and managed to talk to a handful of people on the time I was there, some of those were started by them too. The chatting wasn’t limited iirc it’s a friends/dating app.
Granted I was rated 8/10 on the rate me subreddit so take that as you will.
Someone mentioned it down the thread but I say non committal stuff like ‘I’ll have to sit on it’ ‘it be that way sometimes’ ‘that’s interesting’ ‘I don’t know much about that’ ‘not sure to be honest’ ‘oh yea?’ ‘I hear ya’ ‘if it makes them happy’ ‘that’s how some people like it’ ‘I haven’t looked into it’ ‘I haven’t considered it’ ‘that’s what I hear’
It all depends on context but I use these replies to let them know I hear them without picking a side if that makes sense. It’s best to act like you aren’t sure or don’t know when they ask about stuff.
Here’s an example from yesterday from the trump Biden debate.
They asked me if I was gonna watch and I just said I don’t know maybe, I was gonna leave it at that but they kept trying to sports team for Trump and pushing me to answer what I thought about them sitting so close. I took that chance to say I don’t really talk about politics at work, all the while typing away and working. That seemed to work and they took the hint and stopped.
It helps if you always act like you don’t know/aren’t sure about things.
I did the same, I’m polite, helpful and pleasant to be around. I also keep everyone at arms length and am very careful with how I phrase stuff, people in the office love me and understand I won’t be sharing personal stuff and I’m not interested in their personal stuff. If they wanna talk weather, TV shows or games I’m fine with that.
I was always polite and vague with how I declined their questions early on and eventually they got the hints.
Interesting. So if you wanna get kicked out just wear a Mohawk and fake ear piercings to make it clear you’re punk.
Damn that’s such a good idea lul.